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May 11, 2005 7:04 pm re: re: Anyone using Traffic Exchanges? to promote their band
Adrian Fusiarski
Oops ! Something went wrong with my previous reply so am having to re-post sorry !

Traffic Exchange schemes are generally a waste of time unless you find a niche specific traffic exchange specific to your websites subject matter. You dont want a bunch of pointless traffic from some Texas holdem website. It will kill any credibility your site has. Only exchange links with websites with relevant content, it'll be of use to the end user and also build up your Google Page Ranking.


Sites With Music Traffic Exhange Schemes:


To find potential partners, try and get links from sites witha decnet Google PR (Page Rank), it'll benefit your own site. To find potential relevant partners consider using the Google Toolbar as not only will it tell you what the PR is of the site you're on (check out the green progress bar)but there is also a backlink button on the toolbar that'll tell you who's linking to the website you're looking at too.


Submit your website to the DMOZ Open Directory. Instant PR boost and its used by Google, AOL etc. Its free too.

Consider issuing a press release via a music PR agency. For around $50 (though some are even free) you can get your latest news release targetted at a ton of music websites.

Consider moving your website over to a blog format as it using the brilliant RSS syndication and does most of the work for you.
Here's an example
http://floorelevators.com People are free to take my RSS feed and add it to their own sites. Costs me nothing, they do the work, I get the traffic! All my sites are moving to this format. The other benefit is that I can edit and add content from any computer with an internet connection. Wi-Fi your laptop up and you could be adding content sat on the beach somewhere, no need for aWYSIWYG anymore !
Did I mention the software I use is free open source?

The default design is a bit plain. No problem, help your self to over 100 (free) really cool (some not so!) templates at Alex Kings site:

My news site using WordPress and a template that I modified, if you want an example of what can be done (still work in progress).

Submit your site to search directories (including DMOZ)


Well that should get you started !


> Chris Nelson wrote:
> I tried one of thoses a few years ago and I wasn't seeing much of an increase in traffic. Your best bet is submitting to the free search engines and making sure you have links placed where people will find them. Online directories and adio links work best for me.
>> Brian Incognito wrote:
>> I get sick of all the busisness opps. When I see a forum or a website for something like a band I'm likely to check it out for a break.
>>Wone a free Trafic Pod my first week:)
>>Anyone using Traffic Exchanges?
>>Just joined http://www.trafficpods.com/index.jsp?ref=LottomagicZ4941A
>>to promote
>>http://www.flalottomagic.net/cgi-local/s.cgi?welcome-344 of course
>>also did 75 hits for whttp://www.youcallthat-art.com

Private Reply to Adrian Fusiarski (new win)

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