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Katrina - - If ever there were a need for innovationViews: 268
Sep 07, 2005 3:57 am re: re: re: Katrina - - If ever there were a need for innovation
James Griffin Media >Hi you all
>Sadly it is with frustration one looks at the TV monitor >these days. Bodies left in the streets and armed men
>guarding property and yet another display of material before
>life. It surely seems utterly strange that USA safeguarding
>us from the evils of the underdeveloped and those without
>means show such utter powerty in taking care of theyr own.

When I turn on my television, I see why New Orleans is in such chaos.

It is because I see the Third World is now in the streets of New Orleans. They are in the US and living amongst a civilized citizenry. It looks like a typical day of chaos in so many African nations where at the first opportunity
they turn predatory and devour the weak.

Liberia - Haiti - Somali - Sudan - New Orleans.

I can't tell the difference. Tribes of blacks roaming the streets as predators seeking to devour the weak.

I don't see caucasian Tribes roaming the streets with claw hammers, machetes or spears. I don't see or hear of caucasian police personnel looting or running away or shirking their duty to serve and protect.

I'm very embarassed and reticent to say this for fear of offending others or being labeled as a racist, but pictures don't lie, unless they are somehow being overexposed.

The looting that I'm seeing, the raping and murder I'm reading about from caucasian Americans, Australian, British and Scottish tourists is all black on white crimes.

I've read and seen video reports of black police officers looting, black civilians shooting at rescue helicopters, firemen, policemen, engineers trying to fix the levee break and even shooting at doctors as well as refugees seeking to flee.

Why is this?

Why is this barbarism committed by blacks against whites evident in New Orleans but we didn't see any of this by the far poorer (in material) terms East Asians against whites during the Tsunami.

The media in the US has tried to blame it as an issue of poverty of material wealth, but the American blacks are far more materially wealthy than the Asians hit in Sri Lanka, Banda Aceh and other locales - yet these Asians didn't go on a raping, murdering and pillaging spree.

What is evident is it appears that the American blacks have a poverty of values. Is this what Martin Luther King for saw by equal rights and racial integration?

>God be with you all casulties from the shores of the Gulf.
>I wish I could do more.

It's truly a shame. And what Mother Nature wrought, humans made worse by turning into a scene straight from William Golding's Lord of the Flies.

Sincerely and sadly,

James @ my Country is as depraved as those in Africa.

Private Reply to James Griffin Media (new win)

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