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Innovation Network [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Katrina - - If ever there were a need for innovationViews: 232
Sep 07, 2005 6:14 pm re: re: Katrina - - If ever there were a need for innovation
James Griffin Media >"If ever there were a need for innovation"
>America as seen from the outside is nothing like the
>country most American's choose to describe.

Hi John,

You raise very provocative questions. I am American and readily agree with this statement.

We have inordinates amount of violent crime, we have a decaying moral base, we have crumbling schools, we have crumbling infrastructure, we have broken levees at our borders allowing millions of uneducated and often disease ridden illegal aliens into the country plus only God knows how many terrorists.

Most Americans have not waken up to this. 911/WTC was the first step in hitting Americans across the head with a metal bar.

The New Orleans Hurricane and lacked of preparation, coupled with the human caused anarchy is the second.

The third wake up call for America will define its fate.

It will most likely be simultaneous nuclear or biological strikes on American cities.

At this point, America will crumble and fall or be reborn.

We can't know yet, what will happen. It's like combat. One can go through basic training, yet until one is fired upon how will one react?

Thus, it will be seen with this third and final test.

If the cultural DNA of Americans is still there, the attitude of rugged individualism, then each of these first two attacks coupled with the third may be equivalent to a good dose of chemotherapy for a cancer patient.

At that point, it is my firm belief that Americans, at least enough, will rise up, not only in arms but orgnizationally and seal the American borders and being a purge of those amongst us who are destructive or do not belong here.

The big danger, though, is that a dictator may emerge to fill such a vacuum of power.

Americans are well known to be a people who don't what for their government to lead them by the nose. Volunteerism, activism and do-ism (is that a word?) are what we've seen for centuries.

Currently, in the Western states immigration is a mess. Over the last 20 years, Western residents have screamed, cajoled and passed political initiatives to seal the border and cut off aid to illegal aliens.

The politicians ignored us.

In response, we have reached a tipping point. There are now at least a dozen anti-immigration groups that are rising rapidly in power and clout and manpower and resources.

They know patrol the border that the Federal government refuses to.

Several governors have jumped on the bandwagon and declared a state of emergency - Arizona, New Mexico. California is pondering this, as well as working to establish a State Border Patrol.

President Bush has declared such actions "vigilantism" and been dead set against it.

Meanwhile, some politicians such as a Senator from Colorado
(Tom Tancredo) have supported these grass roots groups and declared that "it's patriotic to be a vigilante when the government fails to do it's fiduciary duty" (I'm paraphrasing but he did condone such vigilantism").

Americans third test will soon come. How will she respond?

I see that once again the lumbering, sleeping giant is awakening - because the people are awake.

These people, mostly simple Scot-Irish farmers or country boys, Big City Jews, Midwestern Whites and Border State Hispanics were told in WW 2, that they couldn't defeat Samurai Japanese and the feared Aryans from Germany.

We all know how that ended. Japan in ruins with two radioactive cities, Germany razed to the ground.

There were horrific losses of life on all sides in that war, but when the smoke cleared one nation was standing.

It was not because of the government. It was not because of the leadership. It was because of the average people. The American ethos and culture.

WW 2 was full of numerous blunders, missteps and tragedies that cost tens of thousands of American lives. From Pearl Harbor to D-Day, yet in the end American beat all the odds.

I think it will again, although it will be bloody and perhaps another 1 to 5 million Americans will have to die (mostly civilians) and perhaps 10 million directly wounded or affected.

>If you find my posts a year and two years ago on the 500
>Citizens network, you'll see that for a long time I've
>been saying that the USA's political system is broken.
>It's become a huge money machine controlled by corporate
>America that controls both the Republicans and the
>Democrats. These two look alike parties pretend to be in
>opposition to each other, but they serve the same master.
>There is no effective political choice in the USA, their >hasn't been any for years.

I didn't see this post. I wish I did. I very much agree with what you have written.

But, John, there is a huge glimmer of hope now. Americans have been wakening up and starting to fix it. The first signs were masses of both parties either registering as "Independents" or as third parties (Green, Liberatarian, Freedom, etc.).

That is critical. The Green Party so shook up the Democrat party during the previous Democrat National and local San Francisco elections that the Democrat Party sent out all the big guns to silence through threats, lies, smears and lawsuits Matt Gonzalez (in San Francisco) and Ralph Nader Nationally.

Soon, the Republicans will be challenged as well. And it will occur on the immigration issue primarily, and then be coupled with the completely fiscal irresponsibility of the Bush Administration.

>No free press. Courts under political control. Electorate
>gerrymandered to create safe jobs for party hacks.
>Contracts offered on a cost plus basis to to political
>cronies, who fail in their duty but are rewarded anyway.

On the free press, I agree. But again, much good news on the horizon. Currently, mainstream newspaper circulation is in a free fall! Nobody is reading these anymore! They know the press is horrible.

And as the newspapers lose circulation, they lose revenue. It has gotten so bad, many have had to forge circulation figures to prop up ad rates. Many newspapers were audited and people have been tried and even gone to jail.

Now, additional revenue that newspapers relied on, classified ads, job ads and movie listings are either gone or precipitiously falling.

They must give us what we want. News, not spin. Facts not opinion. We want reporters who report facts not journalists who want to change the world.

We want reporters who are not afraid to get a real story, not just rewrite a base story pulled of the AP wire.

This hasn't happened in decades in the US. The lie has even been shown of the much ballyhooed reporters Woodard and Bernstein in exposing Nixon. Turns out, they didn't do any sleuthing. It was information illegal procured by "Deep Throat", a high ranking FBI official that just gave it to them. But he could have given it to anyone. These reporters did no hard work or investigations.

This is what has enabled the explosion of blogs, internet news services, talk radio and the establishment of new cable News services.

Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, and more are gone. They are dinosaurs for they forsook their responsibilities or abused them.

>There is enormous need in the USA for legal innovation,
>for political innovation, for educational innovation, for
>health care and social welfare innovation, for social
>innovation. America is the world's most wealthy country,
>but it's not a place most of us would choose to live in.

There is where I disagree. No innovation is needed. You all we need to do is get back to the basics of what America great.

What has destroyed American is innovation! Innovations from so-called progressives that opened our borders to those unlike us, who opened the courts to all manner of lawsuits, who have destroyed our nation.

The problem is we accepted so-called innovations in education, law, welfare and such from 'progressives' and they have killed us.

It's time to clean house and go back to basics.

America will either do this or decline and pay a horrible price.

But we are not alone in suffering. For all that the world hates and despises America, they will suffer the most. America is exactly the reason why Germany and Japan were defeated, why South Korea exists today and why the Soviets were held at bay and later defeated.

Once America is gone or hobbled, China will arise and terrorize Asia, leading to massive fear and instability (examples already: Tibet, Taiwan, North Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines).

Asian will spend billions to defend themselves. Suddenly South Korean who spit on American soldiers or Japanese who complain about noisy American helicopters will be screaming for American to come back.

Europe will do the same. Italy, Germany, even France.

>USA is a great nation in a process of self destruction. I
>have said before that political reform is the only way to
>stop riots in the street. Cities will burn one day. The
>blatant (but unacknowledged) racism and uncaring attitude
>towards the difference in education standards, health care
>and income of most people, and the lot of the bottom 20%
>of the population is a time bomb ticking away.

Cities have already burned many times. Always at the hands of non-white third worlders.

The 911/WTC attacks were by non-white, aliens from the middle east. Proper immigration policy, such as that that excluded such individuals prior to 1965 would have prevented that.

In additional, we have been prevented by 'progressives' not to racially profile or question non-whites, so we killed ourselves on 911.

Other examples of cities burning are seen often in the hands of third world blacks.

The burned Los Angeles to the ground twice. All blacks, with a healthy heap of help from brown skinned Hispanics.

In 1965 they burned it down. In 1992, they burned it down again. Over 900 buildings and homes were burned to the ground. Scores murdered. Thousands of whites beaten.

Certain parts of Los Angeles never recovered. Businesses either went bankrupt or picked up and left.

Even Iraq is not as violent or dangerous as what you find in black or hispanic areas in the United States.

America has always had rich and poor. The difference is, that when the poor were whites, there wasn't this violence.

Either by nature or nuture (the timeless question) whites didn't. Why? Why didn't poor whites form these gangs and burn down Los Angeles or New York?

Why did Irish, Scots-Irish, German or Scandinavian Immigrants do this?

This is exactly while pre-1965 immigration laws gave preferential treatment to white Europeans and allowed only the most cultured and educated non-white Europeans.

It benefitted everyone.

>There will be in the USA, young radicals who are today
>thinking of the time when they will be "home grown suicide
>bombers". They may not be Muslim, the might just be black.

John, we already have them. They don't use bombs yet. They use guns, knives, arson and fists. They are blacks and increasing brown-skinned hispanics.

I saw an article in the news that showed black comprised 9% of the US population but commited over 50% of all murder in the US. If you want the murder rate to decrease, stop blacks.

>Third world countries are expected to do better under UN
>supervision, and they do. Jimmy Carter declared that the
>election of Chavez in Venezuela was very well run, and
>that the election of GW Bush in the USA clearly failed the
>same test.

Are you sure third world countries are doing better? I see starvation after starvation and massacre after massacre in Africa.

Prior to UN meddling South Africa was a rich country and prosperous. It is now a hell zone.

Zimbabwe was the same. It was even a net exporter of grain. Now it can no longer feed her people.

The UN sat by in Rwanda and watched over 500,000 people murdered in a genocide.

The UN sat by and watch similar atrocities in Bosnia and the Balkans.

The UN is embroiled in a massive sex crimes and oil for food scandal.

For those that trust themselves to UN governance, I wish them luck, but that is not an option or viable for American or any Liberty-oriented humans.

>Nothing will get fixed until most American's understand
>that many things need fixing. Belief that "America is the
>greatest country in the world" is a stopper that prevents
>things from being fixed.

>The Constitution is part of the
>problem, fixing that is part of the solution. If GW Bush
>succeeds in stacking the Supreme Court with conservative
>judges, fixing the Constitution might be delayed 30 years.
>I can't be sure that the USA has the luxury of 30 years to
>do it. It increasingly looks to me like we'll have blood
>in the streets first.

The Constitution is only a problem now because of what the progressives have down to it. Get rid of certain amendments, get back to basics and we will recover.

Also, a major problem is not the Constitution but the way the activist judiciary now interprets it.

The next phase of the American revolution is to purge the judiciary of activist judges and find strict or stricter constructionists.

Anyway, we already have blood in the streets. Blood spilled by non-whites. At some point, whites will wake up. It will be our second civil war, split along not only ideological but racial laws.

In the end, America will be purged, but a dictator may arise. A true dictator like Stalin, Castro or Hitler.

And then the world will tremble and find out the difference between the kind America they never loved or appreciated and a new one that reigns hell fire and brimstone.

America has been called an Imperial Nation so often which isn't true. An Imperial Nation doesn't protect other nations or spend tens of billions in rebuilding its former enemies or giving money away.

The New America, if it is what I think it will become will become the greatest empire in history. And the world will tremble in fear.

And those that are in fear can only blame the progessive and proto-Marxists who have spent five decades or more destroying the bedrock of our Constitution, our way of life and our morality.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Private Reply to James Griffin Media (new win)

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