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Katrina - - If ever there were a need for innovationViews: 272
Sep 07, 2005 8:36 pm re: re: re: Katrina - - If ever there were a need for innovation

Bob Jasper

you wrote:

"And then the world will tremble and find out the difference between the kind America they never loved or appreciated and a new one that reigns hell fire and brimstone."

Are you trying to tell me that isn't what we have now??? Ask anyone living in Iraq.

I remember when W first took office way back in 2000, he was visiting the leaders of Congress (before the vote was even tallied in Florida) and he got that little s--t-eating grin on his face and said, "well, after all, this isn't a dictatorship". And the clear implication was that he wished it were. He still does folks.

Bush wants to believe the world operates the way he and his inner circle believes it does, to hell with the truth. He wants to believe he and his admin are doing a great job in LA, MS, and AL, so by God, they are! Forget the fact that he cut 1/3 of FEMA's budget. Remember the fact that he hugged a couple of properly cleaned and screened black women in front of a pile of rubble with Trent Lott and a pack of reporters in tow. W is all about appearances. I'm just surprised there was not a big banner proclaiming "Mission Accomplished" flying when he visited Biloxi. He fits right in with the Mayor of NO and the governor of LA. They are cut from the same cloth.


Private Reply to Bob Jasper (new win)

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