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Scary Treaty On Global WarmingViews: 147
Nov 03, 2009 2:49 am re: re: re: re: re: Scary Treaty On Global Warming

John Stephen Veitch
I've been reluctant to get into this silly debate. For your future and mine NOTHING is more important than to understand that your nation state, the economy that gives you a living, the community in which you live are PART, of a global environment. If you have destroyed the environment, in the sort term it's impossible to "buy a new one". In the meantime you have economic decline and mass depopulation. It will seem to happen in a flash once a tipping point is reached.

In my view that tipping point is already past. Politically we are completely unable to get our house in order. We are suffering and we will suffer the consequences of that. I used to think this would be the fate of my grand children. But I see now that I too will live to see this man made disaster.

Lamar, you know damn well that Lord Christopher Monckton, is a scientific charlatan. A victim of his narrow upbringing.

Thomas, since Kyoto it's been the USA in particular taking a free ride. Not that it matters. We'll have water wars and oil wars to speed up the end-game. Human stupidity knows no bounds.

Thomas, you've offered one thing of value to the debate.
I appreciated knowing that the Bon Appetit Management company has a policy on healthy food and that they have a wide understanding about what the term "healthy" might mean.

Thomas and Lamar. If you are determined to remain uninformed about the climate debate that's your choice. You could on the other hand go to Google and enter the search terms "Copenhagen climate summit" and get something useful. Note that your "friend" Monckton doesn't rate a mention, nor does he deserve one.

This from the official conference web site.

The Danish Government

The Copenhagen Climate Council
The Copenhagen Climate Council is a global collaboration between business and science founded by the leading independent think tank in Scandinavia

News from Reuters 26th October.

The Guardian Newspaper.

The Times Online.

The University of Copenhagen

That's the world view:

If you are determined to take the USA centric view Global Post might please you.


There will be a conference. As usual promises will be made, but nothing will happen. Down the shoot for us all I'm afraid.

John Stephen Veitch; The Network Ambassador
Open Future Limited - http://www.openfuture.co.nz/
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