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35 Inconvenient TruthsViews: 116
Nov 18, 2009 12:30 am re: 35 Inconvenient Truths

Thomas Holford
The real calamity is not "global warming", it is the almost complete extinction of the practice of serious science.

Virtually ALL climate science research is funded by governments. Governments have huge self-interest in scaring the pants off of their citizens and encouraging citizens to believe they are up against problems so vast and complex that only government can solve them.

When government passes out grant money for research projects, astute scientists understand that NOT discovering anything to be alarmed about is not the way to get more grant money.

The template is to discover that there are alarming indications that things MIGHT be awful and COULD get worse, and that much more research money is need to get a better understanding of the problem and possible solutions.

Serious scientific research, done with dispassionate honesty and integrity, has become a tragic victim of "coin-operated science".

T. Holford

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