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35 Inconvenient TruthsViews: 88
Nov 28, 2009 3:22 pm re: re: 35 Inconvenient Truths > more Climategate fallout
abbeboulah In the hullabaloo about the alleged manipulation of scientific data regarding climate change -- visible evidence of melting glaciers and polar ice caps notwithstanding, the question regarding the policies available for humanity and their consequences tends to get lost in the shuffle. Perhaps it might help to just list some basic assumptions and positions: (no claim of comprehensive coverage here)

1 Climate change is happening Y/N

2 Climate change is caused / influenced by human activity Y / N

3 Possible courses of action or policy include:
a Doing nothing
b Increasing exploitation and use of fossil fuel reserves
c Promoting R&D and use of alternative / ‘clean’ energy sources
d Reducing energy demand
e Establishing global planning / coordination entities (‘world government’)
to promote 3c or 3d (or both)
f Preventing (e), strengthening national control
g ?

4 Fervor of debaters is motivated by concerns for
a scientific truth
b profitability of industry 3b
c profitability of industry 3c
d maintaining power of groups supporting industry 3b
e increasing / maintaining power of industry 3c
f establishing powerful world government
g preventing establishment of world government / maintaining US dominance
h undermining power of Obama administration
i supporting power of Obama administration
j Fear of consequences of assumption / policies 1Y & 2Y &3a or 3b
k Fear of consequences of assumptions (any of the above)

5 Strategy and tactics available for adherents of (any) position
a Providing reliable scientific data
b Falsifying / doctoring / hiding scientific data
c Accusing opposing party of failure to do 5a
d Accusing opposing party of doing 5b
e Repeating / advertising own position incessantly to win common acceptance
f Refuting opposing position
g Asserting 'good' motivations (selection of 5) for own position
h Accusing opposing party of 'bad' motivations (5)
other than those asserted / acknowledged

Examining these options and matching them with expressed opinions on both sides might be an interesting exercise. (Looking at posts and references above and elsewhere, and note matching assumption / policies).

Without in any way making presumptions on the possible bias or preconceived notions of RyzeInnovationreaders, (which we of course just KNOW are above any such shortcomings) I am confident that the positions of ‘your’ party will clearly and convincingly emerge as the true, honest and well-intended one with a clear strategy for the best of humanity.

Private Reply to abbeboulah (new win)

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