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35 Inconvenient TruthsViews: 105
Nov 28, 2009 5:53 pm re: re: re: 35 Inconvenient Truths > more Climategate fallout

Thomas Holford
Thorbjoern sayeth:

> In the hullabaloo about the alleged manipulation of scientific data regarding climate change -- visible evidence of melting glaciers and polar ice caps notwithstanding, the question regarding the policies available for humanity and their consequences tends to get lost in the shuffle. Perhaps it might help to just list some basic assumptions and positions: (no claim of comprehensive coverage here)

> 1 Climate change is happening Y/N

> 2 Climate change is caused / influenced by human activity Y / N

A thoughtful and promising approach, and the essence of Socratic dialogue. At least initially.

However, pursuing this approach takes enormous discipline, patience, and time.

Each proposition has to be a simple declarative statement using unamibuous, commonly understood language.

When you get into compound sentences, complex sentences, conditional modifiers, etc., all validity goes out the door. Ditto for words with contentious meanings like "social justice", "fairness", "humane", "greed", etc. etc.

It's simple, but subtle issues like these that turn a poll into a "push poll" and proves only what the pollster wants proven.

T. Holford

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