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35 Inconvenient TruthsViews: 80
Nov 29, 2009 10:49 pm re: 35 Inconvenient Truths > more Climategate fallout

Ben Simonton

I also am a conservationist and an environmentalist. I also have watched as we have polluted the planet. My father made me buy unleaded gas in 1950 from the only gasoline company to produce it at that time. It was much more expensive but he did not care. Unfortunately, not enough people agreed so the product was dropped though it reappeared years later.

I spent over 15 years directing the operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants on surface ships. Nuclear is the cleanest, most non-polluting and safest fuel for generating electric power the planet has every known. I can well remember how in 1966 the head of Navy nuclear, then Admiral Rickover, told us that we were to keep track of every drop of radioactive water. We thought that was an absurd goal, but knew we had best try our very best. 6 years later and a huge number of innovations, procedures, training, and modifications later we in the fleet had a achieved that goal. This even though almost all the water involved could have been consumed by anyone without harm. Protect the environment was the mantra.

In over 20 years on the ocean I watched it go from healthy fish and whales everywhere to being unhealthy with very few fish or whales. Most U.S. rivers turned into sesspools. I could go on and on.

So I know a bit about pollution. But there is no evidence to suggest that pollution caused by mankind is affecting our climate or melting your glaciers. Glaciers have been melting and growing alternately forever.

You wrote - "I think standard science explains well what I've seen and experienced. Even if the theory is WRONG, and it might be, it's still a theory that has not been falsified in my unscientific opinion."

How you could come to such conclusions defies understanding. What do you know of "standard science" and its comparison to climatology? And given that display of complete ignorance, you surely don't have the knowledge to decide that no falsification has occurred.

When I did my review, it was obvious to me that the famed hockey stick was a deliberate falsification at worst, sheer ignorance about how to make a model at best.

You surprise me, John, as I had expected more intellectual integrity from you. I admit it is hard to achieve these days.

But time solves all things and proof of falsification appears to be emerging through many, many newly disclosed emails. So we probably won't have to concern ourselves with that issue anymore.

Best regards, Ben

Private Reply to Ben Simonton (new win)

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