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35 Inconvenient TruthsViews: 75
Dec 03, 2009 6:13 am re: re: re: re: re: re: 35 Inconvenient Truths > Green Copenhagen has limits

Thomas Holford
John Stephen Veitch sayeth:

> I'm thinking we are seeing exactly that now with ice cap melting and increases in sea temperatures.


I and many others have addressed this point before, and on multiple occasions.

Yet, it does not seem to register. It seems to be an indigestible piece of data. It is a part of the external objective reality that is filtered out of your consciousness.

POINT: The earth is in a "post-glacial period" owing to the ending of the last ice age 10,000 - 15,000 years ago.

The earths temperatures are rising. The sea level is rising. Sea levels have risen an estimated 200 to 300 feet.

Ocean temperatures are rising.

The rising temperatures and melting ice caps in a post-glacial period are NATURAL PHENOMENA. They have happened before. They will happen again.

A U.N. climate treaty will have NOTHING -- zilch, zero, nil, nada -- NOTHING to do with stopping the ice cap melting.

A belief that the U.N. WILL affect this is pure solipsism. It is a belief that is INSIDE OF YOUR HEAD, and inside of the heads of the solipsists of the U.N.

The U.N. is NOT a scientific organization; it is a POLITICAL organization. A belief that human activity causes melting ice caps and warming seas is a POLITICAL belief and NOT a SCIENTIFIC belief.

T. Holford

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