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35 Inconvenient TruthsViews: 75
Dec 05, 2009 2:32 am re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: 35 Inconvenient Truths > Green Copenhagen has limits

Thomas Holford
Reg Charie sayeth:

> The earth is in a "post-glacial period"

> Look at it a little closer:

Looks to me like your graph shows that the earth is in a "post-glacial period".

> Notice how the curve levels off as the earth reaches an equilibrium?
> Whatever reasons caused the increase are cancelling out.

What is the point you're trying to make?

The earth's climate is a dynamic system. Dynamic systems oscillate. Oscillating systems have maxima and minima for many, many possible reasons.

If you think this is PROOF of human caused global warming, heaven help you. This is pure and simple "confirmation bias". You have a belief and you select only the evidence that confirms your belief.

"To a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail".

> Look at the Little Ice Age.
> Do you think that man could be having an effect on turning it around?

Your chart is illegible. The shape of the chart looks like some variation of somebody's temperature time series. If it's based on the East Anglia University CRU temperature data (which it probably is), forget about it.

The fraudsters at East Anglia admit that they have "filtered" the data and "filled in" missing data. They have also deleted the original raw data so no one can check on the validity of the "filtering" or data manipulation.

In other words, it has ZERO scientific validity.

> Things ARE warming up but if you think this is all a natural cause and effect and that man does not have an effect, you are just burying your head in the sand.

No. Things are NOT warming up. Temperatures have been declining for twenty years.

> How can you think this? Do you not have eyes?
Do you not have a brain?

Eyes: yes.

Brain: yes.

> Have you never seen notice of beaches being closed due to pollution?

Blame pollution. Nothing to do with human caused global warming.

> Have you ever flown over a city on the water and seen how far it's polluted influence extends out into the water?

Blame pollution. Nothing to do with human caused global warming.

> Have you not noticed how it is hard to get some previously abundant fish dinners because of over fishing?

Blame overfishing. Nothing to do with human caused global warming.

> Have you ever walked a once pristine beach now littered with cruise ship effluent?

Blame cruise ships. Nothing to do with human caused global warming.

> As a child I could lie in my Park Ex backyard in Montreal and watch the stars.
> As a teenager in the same yard most of the stars were gone due to the increase in light pollution.
> As an adult I could not even find the yard, the neighborhood converted from single family homes and duplexes to unending apartment buildings. There are few yards left. Hundreds of thousands of trees gone and numerous square miles of lawn are now home to 35,000 people living in only 1.6 square kilometers.

Good grief. This is pure narcissism.

Defining the geophysical state of an entire planet based on what you observe within visual range of your head over a nanofraction of the earths history is absurdly self-referential.

Silly, pompous, arrogant.

If there is too much "light pollution" in your back yard. Move your butt a few miles to a better viewing location.

I flew airplanes for many years. Get a few miles off shore over the open ocean and the sky is pitch black. From 35,000 feet, big cities are just little glowing dots.

Humanity is really quite insignificant on the scale of planet earth. It is only the overblown egos of solipsists and narcissists like Al Gore and his gaggle of brainless Hollywood celebutards that allows them to think that their presence on earth is a "global" ecological problem.

T. Holford

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