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The Real Issue with current outdoor Warning Systems: FrequencyViews: 148
Jun 23, 2010 3:25 pm re: The Real Issue with current outdoor Warning Systems: Frequency

Richard Weisenberger
Here is something I believe more of you can relate to, since everyone has experienced it, but have you ever questioned it?

Have you ever noticed that when you hear a jet up close, the whine from the turbines can be deafening, while at a distance you hear only the roar? Even in nature, a nearby lightning strike cracks like a cannon, while at 2 miles away or more you hear mainly the rumble.

Speaking of cannons, they sound a lot different at 2 miles than at 1000 feet and I'm not just talking about the obvious reduction in sound level. The sound actually mellows from a sharp crack to a dull boom. This is what this discussion is all about. The higher frequencies may sound louder from up close but they don't have the carrying power of the lower frequencies.

Private Reply to Richard Weisenberger (new win)

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