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Returning Phone CallsViews: 280
Jul 20, 2005 6:48 pm Returning Phone Calls

Mike Fesler BizHarmony
It all relates back to standards of the person, the industry, and the level of prioritization necessary to exist.

The rules and the gatekeepers that many of us set up for our own particular needs is to create a level of balance so that we may comfortably function.

The person is free to choose their own level.
Sometimes; in fact most of the times the industry dictates a certain level.

If there cannot be a level of mutually agreed balance between the person and the industry, the person will be short lived within that industry.

One has to choose a workable consistent balance to function, and build from there.
Whatever that level is, will directly reflect back to the level they can achieve and maintain.

After all how many people can pick up the phone and dial directly to the president of the United States, or to other heads of states, or to major corporations, etc?

There must be a check and balance and an order for communication to work correctly.



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