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VirtualHandshake - Early bird and Entrepreneurs Post New Topic | | Topics
Insight On Character.....Views: 105
Sep 21, 2005 1:04 pm re: Insight On Character.....

Robert Montgomery
by Linda cowgill:


An excerpt from the link above!!!!

Conflict strips away our masks and defenses.

The essence of character is revealed in action, under stress. The only way a character shows us who she really is, what her character is made of, is how she deals with conflict.


We each must face some sort of conflict, wether in business, or our personal life. How we deal with these conflicts is a direct reflection on our character.

Some handle stress in a volatile way, while others deal with the stress in a constructive way.

Both ways show off ones character. Stress handled in a volatile way pushes others away, while dealing in a constructive way draws people to them.

People are drawn to other people because they show us that they are stronger in dealing with stress then what we are capable of showing.

Character is nothing more then how we deal with what crosses our path.

Should we say someone is wrong, just because we do not see things as they do?

Should we think we are always right, even when we are incorrect?

Creating character, is a 2 step procedure.

1. How do we see our selves
2. How do others see us

Are these 2 ways compatable with each other?
Or are these 2 ways combative towards each other?

Just like a magnet attracts another magnet, or repels another magnet. So also does our character!

Robert Montgomery


Private Reply to Robert Montgomery (new win)

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