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SaNaDaNa DharmaViews: 156
Mar 31, 2006 7:23 am re: re: re: What exactly does Sanatana mean?


You are right in what you are saying. SD never ask us to believe anything 100%. It encourageous us to question before accepting anything. Only in Hinduism we can discuss or argue about the existence of god. Swami Vivekananda is a practical man. He advised not to believe any thing in the world until we see or realise. We have such realistic scholars in our religion. Atheism is allowed only in Hindusim. It provides opportunity to debate and brings out fruitful results. This approach helps the people to achieve self realisation. In other religions the messages are unquestioned and accepted blindly. It creates a kind of mental block ( or brain wash) in the devotees mind, which Hinduism never does.

'Contradiction' are the great asset of Hinduisam. Without contradiction there is no debate. Without debate no self growth. Without self-growth no self realisation. Without self-realisation no realisation of GOD. Satsang is been given great importance in SD.

You say that we can use the tools created by others to prove anything under science. But what is the concrete proof that the 'tools' or formulas developed by others is foolproof method to benchmark anything? we have faith in our mind that those methodoloty are undoubtfully right. This is a mindset in us as explained by me in my earlier post. A hundred years ago nobody had heard of the Big Bang. The idea of the universe being suddenly created, all at once, out of nothing, was discredited fairy tale from chapter I of the book of Genesis. Where is the proof to belive that there was big bang? A T.V interviewer asked Stephen Hawking, author of A brief History of time, 'What existed before the universe began ? and was snubbed. 'That’s a meaningless question' - replied by Hawking. No question is meaningless if it is prompted by a genuine thirst for knowledge. Physicists expect us to believe their claim that the whole of matter came into existence at a single instant, about 14 billion years ago, is such a way that not merely something but everything was created out of nothing, thus breaking fundamental laws of Physics.

So, it is of no wonder if we do not believe or follow 100% what is said in SD. This is steppting stone and that is how I started my journey in this path. You are in the right direction.

Until 10th standard, we study all the subjects. Then we select particular subject ie. Science or Maths. There are further subdivision in Science as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology etc. In our higher study we select particular branch and study deeply. Finally Ph.D is done. In the similar way we pray all gods until we become matured. Then, we choose either duvaitham or advaitam. Again deep into particular branch and become master to it. But, both duvaitham or advaitam will lead to the ultimate aim. That is SURRENDERING to god, 100%, like done by Mathvachariyar, Ramanujar, Adisankarar, Swami Ragavendrar, Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsar and many saints in this series.

V.K.L. Raamanathan

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