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SaNaDaNa DharmaViews: 124
May 19, 2006 7:51 am re: re: re: re: Sanadana Dharma

It is very complex to define which would be better way for Salvation, whether Bakthi (Way of devotion) or Karma (way of action) or Gyana (way of knowledge) as the path leads to central common point ie Moksha (Mukthi).

Karma Yoga praises action (Karman), without attachment to the fruit of action. Karma yoga helps to fight greed, anger, non-discrimination, lust, pride and jealousy within us and take us to the stage of mukthi finally. In the concept of karma yoga, one gain considerable merit (punya) through their action they may enter heaven (swarga) on death. Equally they may be punished in hell for evil deeds. This, however, is seen as only a temporary condition and these souls will eventually re-enter the cycle of reincarnation.

Gyana Yoga seeks the secret of what moves us, the secret of what we call the soul. The Vedanta praises the human intellect as one of the greatest gifts of God. All the tools of our consciousness are examined one by one, and one by one it is recognized: I am not this, nor that. And thus, at last we arrive at the core of our being, recognizing it as the "I". In Gyana yoga the mind and body is cotrolled with the help of meditation to realise the 'athman' within us. It is some what difficult path.

Bhakti is the easiest and most natural way to reach the great divine. It grows gradually just as flower or a tree grow in a garden. Bhakti Yoga leaves to each of us the choice of the image of God most comfortable to our inner nature. It is the surrender of the whole self by private acts of devotion and temple worship, as personal bondage is the greatest of all barrier that prevents us to attain mukthi. There two most popular god Bhakthi Yoga are Vishnu and Siva. Bakthi yoga can be followed by any category of people in the world, whether Sudra, Vaisiya, Chathriya or Bramin. Karma yoga or Gyana yoga can be followed only by a selective people and not by all. In bhakti we find the concept of the grace of God. The act of bhakti prepares the worshipper to receive and encourages the deity to grant a blessing.

So Bakthi yoga is the best one among all the three.

V.K.L. Raamanathan

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