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Chennai Network [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Vellore Srinivasan's Talk on March 15th on Zero waste managementViews: 59
Mar 15, 2009 2:48 pm re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Vellore Srinivasan's Talk on March 15th on Zero waste management

Senthil Nathan
Hi All,

Thanks to Vellore Srinivasan for his time and effort to come all the way to explain things to us. My heart felt wishes to his for all the success he has got and for all his future efforts.

Thanks to Mr.Mohan for making this event to happen and for the kind of experience we had in interacting with Mr.Srinivasan

1. Mr.Mohan
2. Mr.Paddy
3. Mr.Padhu
4. Mr.Mohan's friend - Thanks sir for the video coverage efforsts.
5. Mr.Nagaraj
6. Mr.Nagaraj's Friend
7. Senthil(sf)
8. Ms.Punitha Thangaraj
9. Ms.Geeta Padmanabhan
10. (Dont know his name)
11. (Dont know his name)

It was a pleasant evening in Chennai on March the 15th 2009. We started the programme a bit late hoping that some more guests will join us. And so started the programme at 4.30P.M. Mr.Mohan gave an introduction. And Mr.Srinivasan took over the stage.

Initially Mr.Srinivasan started the seminar in Tamil and because of Mr.Mohan's request he switched over to English. Mr.Mohan easoned that he want to circulate the recorded version among non-tamil speaking crowd also.

He gave an overview about Vellore. He gave a powerpoint presentation on the hillock around Vellore and how the habitats in those hillock were destroyed by the local populations and he explained how his organisation is restoring the lost habitats on the hillocks. He even explained the forts and tourist attraction in the forest region around vellore. All this was done by involving the local public and also has arranged job opportunities within the scope of these activities. He is also expecting funds to support these activities to sustain whatever has been achieved in these area in all these years. They have divided the region/hillocks into some 7 groups. And for each group to run the project they need 21,000INR per month and their initial period of the project is for 2 years. They are looking for groups/corporates/individuals to take up a particular group/region thus funding 21K per month. Environment activists/corporates interested in it can contact Mohan or Vellore Srinivasan for this.

Second part is Zero Waste Management seminar. He had a detailed motion presentation which is self explanatory. Starting from collection of waste from homes, segregating, feeding it to cows, decomposing, generating energy, vermicompost, waste water treatment using ducks and everything involved in it. He also threw some light on the administration part of it and also how it gives jobs to people from that region and how Self-help groups are involved in this. A real treat to hear from him and made me to dream of really a environment and society which dont have any kind of garbage. Hope it will come to reality soon. Srinivasan also gave an outlook on the model what he has worked on and explained the theoretical part of it.

He even mentioned that the natives who had lost their income because of his forest restoration programmes are made to earn their income by working for the Zero waste management project.

Srinivasan also gave an information on a really innovative project on Cultivating on the open terrace of an apartment in Chennai. This he is implementing on a test basis in an Apartment in Chennai where they are going to cultivate/grow vegetables, greens on the open terrace. This will be open for public viewing from April 11th 2009. To view it anyone can contact Mr.Srinivasan.

Srinivasan also said some other state Govternments like Tirupura, Karnataka has started to implement this Vellore model in their states in some districts.

With this and some other discussion we concluded this session.

By the way Mr.Nagarajan said he is taking up some similar project in Chennai

There was some discussion on Solar energy also.

Was really informative though it was a disappointment that we had a very small crowd.

For further details or to contact and to know more about Vellore Srinivasan you can check the website

Mr.Mohan has recorded the whole programme with the help of his friend and he will be happy to share the video with anyone on request.

Private Reply to Senthil Nathan (new win)

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