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Chennai Network [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
`in conversation' on wedding and divorceViews: 395
Jul 07, 2010 11:23 am re: re: re: `in conversation' on wedding and divorce

Ganesh Ram
First of all, let me get this clarified from the esteem folks in this network.

For many of us, marriage was never a legal one.

How many old folks out there have registered their marriage with the govt?

If not so then,

why go to a court or pay a lawyer to annul a marriage if in the first place one did not register at all?


how legal it is for a lawyer to take up a case without a pressing legal proof of marriage which the couple, or either of the two in that coupling foulmouth the other, and ask for a separation?

In a land (historically speaking) where ,

a lady burnt a whole city because her "doggy" husband was hanged by a small error committed by a king,

a land where that husband's so called daughter out of wedlock gave a rich literature that to this day has been (some of us don't even know what that literature contribution is/was) talked about,

Where is the justice for the men who suffer under women's oppression?

My point is, no divorce can be enacted by law to a couple if their marriage is/was not registered by law. Also every couple that register the marriage should sign an annulling agreement where a registrar or a recognized public servant should make the couple in question clearly understand what annuls their marriage and what are the consequences.

It should be illegal\criminal for any lawyer/ judge/ public official to intervene and separate a couple if the marriage itself is not registered. Humane intervention can be done only by a policekAr. A lawyer should never advise/suggest/ promote the party in question to apply for an FIR(if that is the legal document necessary for a divorce proceeding) without ascertaining the fact that the marriage is registered with a proper govt in the residing country.

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