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Let's "Retire" Killer Sales LettersViews: 197
Jul 27, 2005 9:29 pm re: Let's "Retire" Killer Sales Letters

Kurt Schweitzer

Not everything is suitable for a free sample. For instance, Sound and Loving Care is a package of music and instructions customized for a particular dementia patient. As someone who is NOT suffering from dementia (at least according to the medical definition :-) ), when I listen to the music it sounds TERRIBLE to me! But when a dementia patient, especially the one for whom it's been customized, listens to it, they find it WONDERFUL!

While we don't offer free samples due to the effort involved in customizing the music, we DO offer a money-back guarantee.

Likewise it's tough to provide a video of how it's used, or even testimonials, due to HIPPA regulations and privacy concerns. Dementia is a medical condition, and it's illegal for us to even suggest that someone has it without them or their legal guardian approving the statement. And with the social stigma associated with the desease, few are willing to admit they or their loved ones have it. It's easier for people to admit to Alzheimer's desease, which is a leading cause of dementia, but even that's tough for people to acknowledge.

We are working to be a resource for dementia, but the main drawback of doing that is the time delay between putting information online and making any sales. Likewise, it's tough to focus the message on our product. People don't care about the product, they care about bettering their own lives. While our product will help our target customers, there is MUCH more that will help them than what we sell. If we only focus on what we sell, nobody will be interested in visiting the site!

I'm all in favor of getting rid of Killer Sales Letters, but I'm not sure what to replace them with.

Kurt Schweitzer

P.S. Sound and Loving Care can be found at http://soundandlovingcare.com

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