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Jan 06, 2004 5:21 pm re: re: You want to sell LESS?
Eric Sohn

Maybe it's the phone... I don't have the same problem in face-to-face networking, nor here on Ryze.

But, you're absolutely right, Steve - relationship-building is a better paradigm to pursue.

Which gives me an idea...

Coach Eric

> Steve Levy wrote: > E-

> >The problem with selling is the inherent model that has been taught to salespeople for eons: Every gatekeeper knows the drill and knows how to deflect the message of the cold-caller.

> >Just the label itself - cold calling - sets up expectations in your mind, right Eric?

> >What if you changed the premise of the sales call from selling your product to building a relationship? Unless you're Brittany Spears, you develop the relationship before you get married...

> >Rather than cold-call, think about reverse selling where the goal is not to make a sale but to open a dialogue. Rather than chasing the conversation for closure (which puts more pressure on the gatekeeper to close the door), create an atmosphere that promotes positive dialogue where the goal is to identify mutual needs.

> >I know this sounds obvious but the subtle differences between the cold-call and the relationship building call is what makes the great sales person. Others here have spoken about cash flow always being on their mind - don't you think that this pressure to produce deleteriously impacts your ability to sell your services using standard cold calling techniques?

> >> Eric Sohn wrote: >>

Norma brings up an interesting point. Are there others here who think marketing is, at best, a necessary evit? How could you run a business if you don't want to market? What else could you do?


Personally, I enjoy many aspects of marketing, like giving talks, preparing brochure and website copy - but so far, I stink at selling. Cold-calling fills me with dread, for example. So, I know Norma's not alone in her feelings.


What say ye, boardniks?


Coach Eric

Private Reply to Eric Sohn (new win)

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