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Jan 10, 2004 6:08 am re: re: Weighing in on customer satisfaction
Sue T.

Well guys, I have to say ... people, people, people. I may keep repeating myself but knowing what you're customer wants and being able to provide it to them and following up etc., is always a benfit, give more than they expect ...

> Sean Failla wrote:
> Well put!
>> Alan Eskenazi wrote:
>> Hello all. I'm new to this group and new to RYZE. I have yet to post a picture! Just wanted to weigh in on the customer satisfaction issue even though the topic is a few days old.
>>My thoughts are that a customer comes to a business entity with certain expectations of what that entity will provide. For example, a customer goes to a hospital and expects, among other things, that the facility will be clean, that the staff will be competent, that they will be treated with respect, that the food will be decent, and that they are getting the best care possible. Just because the customer is provided all these things does not mean he will be satisfied. Why? Because this is what was expected. If he didn’t expect to get those things he wouldn’t have sought services form that hospital in the first place. The expectation is that all hospitals would have that basic level of services. So what makes the customer satisfied? The extras. The sense that the entity is going out of its way to take care of the customer. The feeling that the customer’s needs are being heard, acknowledged, and met in a personalized way. The feeling that the customer is unique and special.
>>The same analogy can be used with any type of business. Just because an airline gets us to our destination does not mean we will be satisfied with it. It is expected that it will get us there. It is how it gets us there that matters!
>>In sum, I feel it is extremely important for all of us to know what it is our customers expect from us…provide it…and then go the extra mile.
>>In reading the posts from this morning, maybe we could have a discussion regarding the expectations of this group in particular and of RYZE in general.

Private Reply to Sue T. (new win)

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