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Apr 15, 2004 4:28 pm re: re: Making people fight vs. Drawing them out to express opinions
steve chichester

Eric, and other interested parties; I disagree with the concept, "drawing people out." What about "soliciting ideas; inviting commentary; requesting input; asking for opinions" and I'm sure there are many more phrases (coulda said "of these", but that's vague and against my principles of effective communication, so I write the following) intended to get people involved, get information, establish mutual interests and agendas, develop teamwork- I momentarily hesitated to use "teamwork" since there are so many perceptions of teamwork implying manipulating/expecting sacrifice of individualty in favor of mutual benefit.

"Great teams are made up of great individual players working toward a mutual objective for the purpose of achieving individual goals and objectives." I quote from myself.</p.

That requires the ability to see and believe in the latent excellence which lies dormant in many people. (for those of a spritual mind set; The inevitable spirit of achievement and accomplishment inherent in the human condition.)

I'm not much for drawing people out. Based on my experience, it results in many long conversations about philosophical agendas which result in nothing but themselves. I prefer to express definite opinions related to specific subjects for the purpose of accomplishing something, even if that something is only finding a kindred spirit.

As I see it, drawing some one out and fighting to create cooperation are about the same in intention. Neither inspires collaboration, except among those who wish to "create the event/activity." Of course, that's just from my experience and agenda. And what I want to experience; which I think means agenda.

> Sue Tosto wrote: >

Thhhhhhhhppppppppppptttt ... Rasberry's for those unfamiliar with the term :)

> >

Wanna fight? Anyone? or would you prefer to draw someone out.

> >> Eric Sohn wrote: >>
What if we were to rephrase "making people fight" into "drawing people out to express their views and opinions in an open and safe environment" ...

Oh, that's an interesting rephrasing... Let's open the floor for this one...


Would "drawing people out in an open and safe environment" produce different results than "making people fight"? How so?


Coach Eric

Time for someone besides Sue (nothin' personal, Sue!)

Private Reply to steve chichester (new win)

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