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Jul 02, 2004 10:32 pm re: re: re: re: re: re: Sales... Job #1
- Hilary Baumann - Fascination Design
The one hour allows THEM to talk a lot. I really try to keep most of the time focused on their needs and not just talking about how I do things, what I suggest etc etc. With the type of service I provide, it means more to people than a generic e-book or free doodad.

You're right that an hour is more than enough time for fact finding but I find that it gives enough time for the conversation to take it's own course some (instead of just drilling them with question after question or sales pitch after sales pitch), to allow people to feel comfortable instead of rushed and, hey, should the consultation take less time that's fine as well.

The hour also keeps people from scheduling our discussion for 15 minutes and rushing off to their next meeting before I have had time to go over everything I need to discuss with them.

I used to do free consultations but a few of those grew into monsters where I did find people were drilling me for free information and no intention of ever buying from me. That's why I set the one hour limit. Since then I think I've only lost two potential clients that I've had one of these consultations with. For the people who want to drill me for info, one hour is not enough; for people who want my services, one hour is a substantial time commitment that usually helps them to commit to a project as well.

It may not work for everyone and it won't work for every type of business or service but I've found it to be just the right amount of initial consulting time for me and my potential clients.

I often do tell them pricing between $X to $XX amount for the average logo or business card or this or that but they will get a custom estimate based on their needs and that estimate will be based on my hourly rate.

Steve Chi said "If anyone has a solution to completely eliminate regretful buyers, I'd like to hear it."

I agree with this except that I don't think such a solution is possible. Theoretically maybe... but this is the real world where anything can happen.


Private Reply to - Hilary Baumann - Fascination Design (new win)

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