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International Network in China

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Aug 01, 2005 10:31 am Towering Chinese Business: Westerners in China for high margin no competition Knowledge Business
Bala Pillai
Dear all,

Great to be here with all of you.

I am in the Asian Knowledge Economy Brands business. And I am in particular looking for Westerners to partner me in this business for China and Chinese diaspora.

The key to understanding the Knowledge Business in China is to ask and answer the question:-

Why has China NOT produced a single quantum invention [1] since the times of Admiral Zheng He in 1400 AD when before that it together with India was responsible for the majority of them?

The reason I am looking for Westerners is because the resistance-to-learning among even the topmost Chinese is too high and it is best that Westerners or those who are thoroughly exposed to imaginative business in the West bridge me with Chinese partners. I have some of the key materials in Chinese but most are still in English.

It would normally be a huge project but because (a) we are sharing the foundation work with Knowledge Economy Brands in the rest of Asia eg Malaysia.Net, Singapore.Net etc and (b) because I have been doing this since 1995, we have done 99% the work.

Why is it high margin and no competition?

Because default, the harder a problem, the greater the reward, the lesser the competition.

This is a problem that nobody else can solve. That's why it is high reward and no competition. See "Turning Problems Into Money: How?" at http://www.malaysia.net/node/150 for expansion. [2]

Next step:-

Ask yourself the question, "What is Knowledge?". Not a dictionary definition, but what it means to you on a day-to-day basis. And then compare your personal definition with that at http://www.tamil.net/whatisknowledge [2]

If that now world-acclaimed formulation, more resonates with you than not, let's pursue partnering.

Bala Pillai
Zooming towards instantaneous synchronization of minds that matter

[1] Quantum invention = significant leaps in orders of problem solving from cave-man days up to now. Examples: taming of fire, domestication of rice, discovery of zero, language, urban social systems, paper, gunpowder, wheel, printing press, electricity, cars, airlines, computers, credit cards, Internet

[2] Please email me at bala@apic.net if you'd prefer to read these materials in Chinese or to pass them on to potential partners. I'll mail them to you

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