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A business planViews: 107
Jun 02, 2009 4:40 pm re: A business plan

Bill Joyce
This has been a wonderful conversation and one that is filled with thought and even passion.

Business Plan vs. Free Spirit Entrepreneur - no maybe that is a bit much. I know many great Business owners and Founders who can keep their entire enterprise in their mind and see the landscape of internal and external challenges without any plan.

I know a restaurant owner who can walk in the door at 2:00pm and tell you exactly how well the evening will go. He can feel the energy of his staff and the room. He don't need no stink'n BP.

But let me ask this. If I could show you the pathway from Business Plan to Everlasting Quality Management where both executive and employee feel fully empowered and the goals of the organization are constantly centered on the Added Value we provide our customers, would you rethink you petty annoyance about spending time documenting your core focus?

If you still have no time then all the best. If you finally get it. Then embrace the Business Plan for what it truly is - the first of a series of maps to the treasure we call customer satisfaction and therefore profit.

Think you're too small. Or is it your idea that is too small...

I respect creative people who can envision their future without a plan but if you ask one other soul (one of us normal beings) to join in your quest it behooves you to provide a plan.

Did you ever see a banker read a business plan. I know I enjoyed the opportunity. It gave me a sense of the core drive of the executive which I made a part of the lending process' non-technical measurement. Want a loan from my bank you will provide a BP and I will read it to see both product life cycle and management attitude.

Yes indeed you can start a company without a BP. You can climb a mountain without crampons. You can do many things. The real question is why would you do it?

I have seeded a few reasons for a BP buried deep in my sarcasm. After you digested these gems. Give me ONE GOOD reason not to - then I believe you will have your answer.

Have a great day


Private Reply to Bill Joyce (new win)

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