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Entrepreneurs - Early bird and Entrepreneurs Post New Topic | | Topics
Looking for guidanceViews: 281
Jun 12, 2011 8:51 pm re: Looking for guidance

Maria Marsala

Congrats on your website. There are some good things on it, and I'll pass those by for now.

Your site "hits" me with you wanting me to buy from you. However, I won't, nor will most.

Who is your ideal client (buyer)? If they are the affluent, then they are not into coupons. They would prefer (at a minimum) no shipping.

Where do your ideal clients "hang out" on the web -- that is where you should be.

Your right side bar, if you keep the items that are there should start with subscribe to my newsletter (what are you offering them to do that??) then, your donation bar, and not your shipping fees.

People do business wiht people the know, like and trust -- not someone shoving "buy my product" at them. while I know that's not what you're looking to do, that's the perception I got from looking at your website.

Look to see how you can bring in the KLT element into your home page. Look at websites of the top 5 competitors in your field.

Also, when I click on the picture of a product, I don't get taken to page on that product.

Those are a few things to look at suggestions.


Private Reply to Maria Marsala (new win)

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