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Wild Business Women
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Empty Nesters! Retired Moms! Check in here. We've got work to do. Work, Play?Views: 841
Dec 11, 2006 5:38 pmEmpty Nesters! Retired Moms! Check in here. We've got work to do. Work, Play?#

Viveca Stone

Hello my friends!


Yes, I know moms never retire. Just couldn't resist throwing that in!


Here's what's up. Depending on when you read this we are 14 days - 13 days - 12 days - ___ away from Christmas. You remember how busy - how exhausted you used to be about this time? I do!


Here's my idea. Lets give the active moms a hand this week. Double up a dinner recipe and give the extra to your friend. Make a couple batches of gingerbread cookies and give her the dough with cookie cutters & decorations. She can give it to her kids & they can fill the home with aromas of ginger and spice. Offer to run her kids to the mall or baby-sit for an afternoon. Or treat her to a massage at a massage school (this runs about $40/hour with the tip.)


Or, go with her on errands for moral support. And, let her vent if need be. You know how vents between girlfriends usually end? In laughter, connection and relief.


Can you dig it?


Now, if you are reading this and you are an active mom. Your mission to ask a girlfriend, or your mom for help. We are for you.  

Just ask.


Let's add a little extra spirit to our week. That is the point, after all!


Love on!




P.S. Please add onto to this with your doing - your girlfriend gift. It will be fun to watch this grow & grow.


Founder, Get Ready for Love!
Visit, http://www.GetReadyForLove.com
and author, Fatigue Be Gone! Jumpstart e-Guide

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