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Council of Old Monk Rum Addicted Drinkers & Ec
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How do you take your Old Monk?Views: 16656
Mar 02, 2007 4:22 amHow do you take your Old Monk?#

Zo Hualngo
I guess generally it is with Coke/ Pepsi?

I normally have it with plain ol' water. Sometimes, I mix maybe 25% coke and the rest water.

Are there any other ways members imbibe this elixir of life?

P.S.: A friend of mine has an old OM bottle shaped like an Old Monk. Wonder if anyone knows where to get hold of one.



Private Reply to Zo Hualngo

Mar 02, 2007 7:51 amre: How do you take your Old Monk?#

Amitabh James Hans
It is better to gulp it with plain water (not even the mineral water...sada paani!)..this is for health and taste purposes..once you start having it with water you will never have it with coke again..will also save some extra $ for another quarter/half ;)..btw, i had tried with lots of colas but the best is thums up! cheers!

Private Reply to Amitabh James Hans

Mar 02, 2007 8:18 amre: How do you take your Old Monk?#

Dinesh Punjabi
I prefer it with thumbsup than any other cola.

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Private Reply to Dinesh Punjabi

Mar 02, 2007 9:18 amre: How do you take your Old Monk?#

Onkar Singh Plaha
Hi all,

I usually take it with Soda. If for some reason (read mood)I find the drink a little too dry, I add some cola (Pepsi,Coke etc.).

Recently I discovered that Old Monk tastes fantastic if diluted with Tonic Water. In case I find it too sweet, I further dilute it with Soda. The bitter taste of quinone in tonic water is what I like.

Try for yourself but please send feedback.

Onkar Singh Plaha.

Private Reply to Onkar Singh Plaha

Mar 02, 2007 9:54 amre: re: How do you take your Old Monk?#

Zo Hualngo
Interesting. Have never tried it with tonic water. Will try it this weekend. Thanks for the tip.

Private Reply to Zo Hualngo

Mar 02, 2007 10:37 amre: How do you take your Old Monk?#

Zayn Khan
I like it with half water and half coke. Usually couple of cubes of ice. Cheers Zayn

Private Reply to Zayn Khan

Mar 02, 2007 12:02 pmre: How do you take your Old Monk?#

The Tonic Water Combo seems tempting.. will defi try it out over the Holi Week End.

CHEERS !!!!!

Private Reply to ANIL RAJ LODHA

Mar 02, 2007 3:38 pmre: re: How do you take your Old Monk?#

IAN PEREIRA (Advtg and Industrial Photographer)

I add 1/3rd Thums Up and 2/3rd Soda, no ice, no lime. It does not matter what you add to it as long as the base is good Old Monk


Do visit my site.---http://www.ianpereira.com
Are you an Old Monk Rum addict?---http://comrade-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to IAN PEREIRA (Advtg and Industrial Photographer)

Mar 03, 2007 6:50 amre: re: re: How do you take your Old Monk?#

I like it this way.

Take Whiskey glass (short, wide).

Pour 90ml Old Monk Gold (the 12 year one).

Fill the whole glass with machine made clear Ice Cubes (the
ones with the hole in them).

Pour Thumps Up to fill up the space between and within the ice.

Squeeze in 4 drops of freshly cut Limbu or drop in a thin slice.

Stir ONLY once (or swirl the drink in hand) - Do NOT mix frantically.

Smell, sip, savour, exhale.

Private Reply to Chandrashekhar

Mar 03, 2007 8:05 amre: re: re: re: How do you take your Old Monk?#

IAN PEREIRA (Advtg and Industrial Photographer)
Hi Chandra/Don ( you look like one with those glares on).

You have to take a Rum glass, not a Whiskey glass. The rest of the recipe is OK


Do visit my site.---http://www.ianpereira.com
Are you an Old Monk Rum addict?---http://comrade-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to IAN PEREIRA (Advtg and Industrial Photographer)

Mar 03, 2007 9:37 amre: re: re: re: re: How do you take your Old Monk?#

Interesting. Didn't know there was a Rum Glass. Looks quite nice too.

It looks just like a whiskey glass except for being flared towards the top. Any idea why that is so? And what was the way of having Rum due to which the glass was constructed thus?

Sample Rum Glasses




Also how come Rum is served in tall glasses most places now?

Private Reply to Chandrashekhar

Mar 03, 2007 10:33 amre: re: re: re: re: re: How do you take your Old Monk?#

Satish Vijaykumar

Coke, 2 cubes of ice.. One large peg of Old Monk.. and yes stir wid your Index finger...make your point :))

Private Reply to Satish Vijaykumar

Mar 03, 2007 11:24 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: How do you take your Old Monk?#

Zo Hualngo
This is great. Didn't know there was a rum glass either. I do have those glasses at home, but always thought they were whiskey glasses.

So I get some more education thanks to Old Monk :-)

Private Reply to Zo Hualngo

Mar 03, 2007 4:12 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: How do you take your Old Monk?#

IAN PEREIRA (Advtg and Industrial Photographer)

The mouth and shape of the glass is most important. In fact it is almost a science in itself.

Wine glasses have small mouths so that you have to sip small amounts. A beer glass has a large mouth so that you get a big mouthful and your nose also goes into the glass as you sip, so you smell the beer. A brandy glass has that shape so that the palm of the hand warms the brandy. The big mouth has the same funda as the beer glass.

Liquer glasses are small so the quantity is small and you have to take small sips.

All this explains why your beer tastes different when you drink it from a beer glass and from a thin long glass. When you drink beer or coke directly from the bottle it tastes different, because the nose is not involved in the process.

The same funda for tea and coffee. Coffee is traditionally served in small cups. Tea in larger cups.

In some bars they use the wrong glass because they do not know any better. The actual whiskey glass is a short fat one.

A red wine glass, a white wine glass and a sherry glass all look the same. But the red is the smallest and the sherry the biggest. Only by amount 20% each, but that is important.



Do visit my site.---http://www.ianpereira.com
Are you an Old Monk Rum addict?---http://comrade-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to IAN PEREIRA (Advtg and Industrial Photographer)

Mar 04, 2007 6:13 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: How do you take your Old Monk?#

So whats the reason for the sloping outwards towards the top glass? So that you get less smell or more? Considering Rum (Old Monk) has a string smell.

Private Reply to Chandrashekhar

Mar 05, 2007 2:44 pmre: How do you take your Old Monk?#

ritesh pai
either neat (have even drunk directly from the bottle :)) or on the rocks

Private Reply to ritesh pai

Mar 07, 2007 2:14 pmre: re: How do you take your Old Monk?#

Karan Jethani
For me , It has to be with Thums Up. I add some lemon juice to make it tangy ;-)

Also that I treat my sniffy nose with the fumes of stuff before diluting it. I do not know why I do that, its almost a ritual to me.


Private Reply to Karan Jethani

Mar 27, 2007 10:51 amre: How do you take your Old Monk?#

Paras Chheda
Hi There!
I love to have it with drinking water preferablly
room temp or slightly cold.
I dont want to dilute the taste of rum with anything else

Private Reply to Paras Chheda

Mar 27, 2007 11:24 amre: re: How do you take your Old Monk?#

Russell D'Costa
Usually have it with a bit of thumsup topped with water/soda. Recently discovered that a bit of ginger lemon squash and soda is quite agreeable.

Private Reply to Russell D'Costa

Mar 28, 2007 6:38 amre: re: re: How do you take your Old Monk?#

Ranajit Tendolkar
A beer first.

Next OM and paani...with lottsa ice.


Private Reply to Ranajit Tendolkar

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