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Gardening; and the Gentle Art of Leadership...to all network leaders!Views: 367
Jul 31, 2005 8:13 pmGardening; and the Gentle Art of Leadership...to all network leaders!#

Diane Tegarden
Gardening and Gentle Art of Leadership
By Diane Tegarden

As a business owner for over twenty years, I have struggled with the problem of having to "let people go", which is an awfully nice euphemism for firing an employee.

Not all employers are monsters and not all employees are angels. I mean, let's face it, sometimes a job isn't good for an employee and sometimes an employee isn't good for a company. A group dynamic includes a leader, (some form of management, or it would be a mob) and the group members.

The leader has the main objective in mind, but may be experimenting with the perfect combination of factors (including team members), in order to achieve her desired results.

Therefore, when an idea isn't working, a leader must give herself permission to "weed the garden".

A good gardener may love all plants, just as a good leader may love all people, however a great gardener must discriminate as to which plants may grow in her garden.

When you are planting a garden and desire a particular outcome, you must encourage certain plants to grow, and discourage others that are taking up the same minerals, water and sunshine from the plants you wish to flourish.

All living things must share the same resources, therefore if you wish your vegetable garden to have an abundant harvest, you must pull out the weeds (those factors that are non-productive to your desired result).

This is not a judgment on those particular plants, but rather a decision the gardener must make in order to get the desired results from her garden.

When you set about to grow a garden, start a business, organize a social group, or begin any other creative endeavor you have to have your desired results in mind, in order to create the desired outcome.

As the leader of a group, you may have found there are weeds in your garden, I encourage you to give yourself permission to pull them out!!

-written February 13, 2004

By Diane Tegarden
FireWalker Publications

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