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what's you think should be the backbone of an ad agency?Views: 788
Nov 24, 2006 7:55 amre: what's you think should be the backbone of an ad agency?#

It's not about "should be" but creative "is" the back-bone of an ad agency. Ask Bernbach.! Or even Arnold!

And if you ask me, creativity is nothing but eating with your hand coming from behind your head. And doing it faster and better.

Happy writing!

Private Reply to AMBAR

Nov 24, 2006 3:02 pmWould you read and respond to a boring message, or an interesting one?#

We can't bore people into buying a product or using a service or accepting an idea. But we can 'interest' them in doing so.

That is why people advertise. And that is why people need to be creative in advertising.

Research proves that more than 70% of the time, purchase decisions are emotional not rational - here again, one needs creativity to appeal to emotions.

A woman does not buy lipstick, she buys beauty. A man does not buy shaving cream, he buys attraction. People buy the sizzle not the steak. And advertising sells these to them, creatively.

Even account sevicing and account planning and media planning needs to be creative to make an impact, not just copywriters and art directors.

Like the legendary Bernbach used to say: "If your advertising goes unnoticed, everything else is academic!"

Farrukh Naeem
Copywriter, Journalist and Advertising Blogger

Private Reply to farrukh_copywriter(at)yahoo.com

Nov 27, 2006 4:35 pmre: Would you read and respond to a boring message, or an interesting one?#

Achuth Nair
If creativity is not the backbone then what else is? If it is not creative it will not sell. Well somebody with common sense had said it. The basic problem is that you don’t know what creativity is in advertising lingo. In advertising Creativity is “creating an idea that will help sell the product” and not your artistic inclinations or poetic leanings. If you want to satisfy your artistic urge leave advertising and do some paintings and exhibit somewhere. If you want to satisfy your urge to write then write it.. get it published by a book publisher and get a booker award. Don’t come to advertising. Because it involves millions of the client’s money and you can’t waste it.

And I don’t what know what your account executives sell. The concept? The design? The colours? The Copy? Or are they just glorified courier boys?


Private Reply to Achuth Nair

Nov 28, 2006 8:42 amre: re: what's you think should be the backbone of an ad agency?#

Avinash Deshmukh
As you are harping on "is" which only means that you are die-hard believer of creativity.

Unquestionably, the creativity is what tommorrow's businesses are about. No denying that.

But I guess you guys are confining creativity to creative departments. I might be wrong. But that's the first impression I get from what I read.

Another thing. Where is qualitative advertising - only seen at annual shows? That one needs to be answered.

Hope you understand my idea behind putting this topic for discussion.


Private Reply to Avinash Deshmukh

Nov 28, 2006 11:14 amre: re: re: what's you think should be the backbone of an ad agency?#

Achuth Nair
It depends on what according to you is quality. In advertising an ad/campaign which sells the product/service most is good quality advertising. What you see in annuals, if it sells the product or service well then those also can be called quality. What the mass decides is the best IS THE BEST. Not what 10-20 guys gather around a round table and say this ad is good.. this ad is bad… well.. they don’t have statistical data on what that ad has done for the product/service. Anyway you have to put your own parameters about what is quality. And an ad which sells doesn’t have to be something like that of BSNL or any New India Assurance… or whatever… Direct… well to a certain extent it depends on the product/service and the TA on how abstract you can go with the communication. Think of advertising as a dialogue between you and your friend (for products related to your age group and demographics) or you and your dad (for that kind of a product) think of ways on how to make that conversation interesting… what all imageries you would use.. what all references you would take… etc…etc… how would you convince them into buying this product/service. Then you have a good ad.

Creativity is not restricted to any departments. In advertising each stuff should be seen differently. Your account exec should be creative enough to understand what he is selling. The media guys should be able to suggest different ways… etc. etc.. then you have a good agency..

And successful & happy clients


Private Reply to Achuth Nair

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