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A Kiss is Just a Kiss... MuahViews: 1450
Aug 19, 2005 7:49 pmA Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah#

Dina Giolitto, WordFeeder.com
Since this is the Love Network, I thought I'd bring up the topic of kissing.

Are you a kisser and/or is your partner also one?

Do you kiss frequently and with wild abandon? Are you a pecker, a nuzzler, a butterfly kisser, a Hoover or an eyeball-kisser?

I am kind of embarassed to admit this, but around here we're so fond of kissing that we make smooch noises when we pass by each other. Do not make fun of me for admitting this.

(smooch smooch smooch)

Is there an onscreen kiss that made you swoon at the sight of it? Do you have an all-time favorite movie kiss?

Have you ever had trouble with clashing kissing styles? Say you really were fond of someone but their kissing was just not right...

My mom always laughs and says "Ya fathah didn't know how to kiss before he met me!"

And then my dad always says, "Ya mothah kissed like this!"

(And then he opens his mouth really wide and everyone giggles.)

Got a smoochin' story to share?

Private Reply to Dina Giolitto, WordFeeder.com

Aug 19, 2005 8:06 pmre: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah#

Ravi Kanduri
Great topic to start a great weekend... :-)

I feel a kiss is an illustration of the warmth one feels for the one it is intended for... The degree and flavour could be different based on the relationship...

Private Reply to Ravi Kanduri

Aug 19, 2005 11:18 pmre: re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah#

Sue T.
LOL this is a good topic!

There's the squeegy kiss... you know the one where the other person kisses you and slobbers all over ya...???

There's the bottom lip half kiss where you slowly kiss (Have I mentions I LOVE kissing? It's the best ...) where you have half the other persons bottom lip and they have your top lip, or visa versa... and it's slow and heated.

There's bitting, nibbling (not drawing blood :) kissing, bottom lip...

There's ... Is this enough? :)

There's the bottom lip half kiss with a little extra ... you figure that part out I don't want to be rude or like really explanatory.

There's... those lingering kisses...

Nah if anyone makes fun of you, maybe they need to learn how to kiss themselves? LOL

Kissing, is totally an art, it can either make your toes curl and leave you weak at the knees or it a can leave a person... really sad.

I'm really not sure if you can teach some one "how" to kiss better... I've never seen that happen myself.

And! Usually? How they kiss can be a really good indication as to certain other things...


Sue T.

Private Reply to Sue T.

Aug 20, 2005 12:15 amre: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah#

Ann Zuccardy - Vermont Shortbread Company
My story is about non-romantic kissing. I have some good ones about the other kind of kissing, but they're not ready for public consumption.

My daughter and I have a substitute for a kiss now that she's a big girl and too embarrassed to be seen kissing me.

When she was a baby, I used to cup my hand and she'd curl up her chubby little hand and rub it on the inside of my cupped hand. We began calling this move the noojie. She did this when she was nursing or snuggling. Sometimes when she was playing and needed comfort or reassurance, she'd take a break from her play, run to me, do a quick noojie with me and then run back to her toys. This kid never had a pacifier or security blanket - just noojies and human touch.

Somewhere around 3rd grade, she became too embarrassed to kiss me in public when I'd drop her off at school. So, we began doing the noojie every morning as she hopped out of the car and ran to join her classmates.

We still do the noojie. She says she doesn't do noojies with her dad because his hands don't feel "right". Only I can do the noojie.

Sometimes we do a double noojie (two hands simultaneously).

I love our parent/child kiss.


Private Reply to Ann Zuccardy - Vermont Shortbread Company

Aug 20, 2005 5:05 amre: re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah (Noojie)#

Dina Giolitto, WordFeeder.com
Fanny, that is sooo cute!

What a nice compromise.

How do you pronounce it - NOOH-jee, or NUH-jee?

Private Reply to Dina Giolitto, WordFeeder.com

Aug 20, 2005 5:38 amre: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah#

Susan Perkins
Dina Said:
Are you a pecker, a nuzzler, a butterfly kisser, a Hoover or an eyeball-kisser?

Can you please explain a little what a Butterfly, hoover or eyeball-kisser is? Then I can continue! :-)

Kissing is what I miss the most - if I could just have a great kiss every now and then... :-)

I've always liked being creative with kissing - and what I noticed is that men will normally take my lead when it comes to kissing - they will mimick what I do! Isn't that interesting? Because of this phenomenon, only one bad kisser comes to mind - when I was a teenager - it was disgusting - he moved his tongue back in forth so quickly that it was like he was trying to bat a fly!! :-)

How many of you like to keep your eyes open from time to time while kissing??

the bottom lip IS really luscious, isn't it?? Nibbling IS really succulent, isn't it?? I think it is time for me to go to dreamland....

Oh my family kisses with son & brother - we are big kissers and huggers - the whole family - My son, I've given him pecks on the lips since he was born - only now - as a 13 year old - does he give me kisses on the cheek. He never had a bottle - or pacifer - or blanket either! He is a secure thing. Still says he loves me when he gets out of the car to go into school.

Warmest, Susan

Private Reply to Susan Perkins

Aug 20, 2005 11:00 am A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah#

Sue T.
Eyeball kisses, to me, is when the person kisses your eye lids when they're closed, the bridge of your nose, eyebrows...etc.

As for public displays of affection I tell my daughter all the time not to be embarrassed to show affection in public. A hug, kiss hello or good bye, nope nope nope! That's my baby and I'm going to give her smoochies whether there's people looking or not. :) She stopped wanting to hold my hand last year... We still do, when no ones looking... :)

Holding hands, kissing, hugs... all good stuff.

Sue T.

Private Reply to Sue T.

Aug 20, 2005 12:31 pm re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah (Noojie)#

Ann Zuccardy - Vermont Shortbread Company
It's NUH-jee.

Okay. The awfulest kisser was a guy I dated a couple years ago. I called him the pecker. Why? Because his kisses were like bird pecks all over my face and they were LOUD! His lips never landed on my face for more than a half second. He just kept pecking and bobbing, bobbing and pecking. It was yucky. We only went out twice. I didn't want to have to teach anyone to kiss in my 40s.

Best kisser of course, is my man. I'll never forget our 3rd or 4th date. He invited me to his house and made dinner. He politely asked if he could kiss me. This was our first kiss - you know that moment of anticipation and nervousness right before you lock lips the first time? It was delicious. Then he politely asked me if I wanted to stay over (it was snowing). I thought "ut..oh, now he's going to swoop in for the kill". He didn't. We just kissed, and kissed, and kissed, and ONLY kissed. Lost in our make-out world, we didn't watch any of the movie we had rented. It was so sweet and unusual for me to be with such a respectful guy.

Then he loaned me his PJs and his bed and he went off to sleep in his daughter's room. Such a gentleman. I was hooked. Best kissing of my life. Still is.


Private Reply to Ann Zuccardy - Vermont Shortbread Company

Aug 20, 2005 3:46 pmre: re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah (Noojie)#

Dina Giolitto, WordFeeder.com
Ahh, you girls are fun to talk kissin' with!

Susan - yes, Sue Tosto evidently knows about and is talented in the delicate art of the "the eyeball kiss."

The Hoover- brand of vacuum cleaner. Too much SUCTION - yipes!

The butterfly kiss is when you're goofing around and you put your eye up to his cheek and blink a few times, "fluttering" your eyelashes against his face.

Susan, I think I kissed that same guy that you did - the one with the snaking tongue! UGHH.

I also have a similar tale as Ann's kisser with the weird pecking habit. Mine was a college escapade... really hot army guy shows up at one of our parties. Gorgeous blue eyes, crew cut, nice bod... oh, my! Of course I just had to kiss him.

Big letdown, seems he had some kind of mouth coordination issue or something.

He'd kiss perfectly normally, nice soft lips, all the right moves, until the "smack" part. You know, the SMOOCH?

His smooch timing was way off. He was all, slurp slurp, pull away, SMOOCH the air!

I was so miffed by this. Muah, pull away, kiss the air. What the heck???

Needless to say, I didn't find him quite so attractive after that. Looks don't mean everything!

Private Reply to Dina Giolitto, WordFeeder.com

Aug 20, 2005 3:49 pmre: re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah (eyes open)#

Dina Giolitto, WordFeeder.com
Oh yeah -- yes, Susan, I often keep my eyes open. I can't help myself! He's just so cute to look at up close. And I know from the times when I was alone what it's like to REALLY REALLY miss the kiss!

Golly, I just love kissing.


Private Reply to Dina Giolitto, WordFeeder.com

Aug 21, 2005 12:49 amre: re: re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah (eyes open)#

DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist
I have been dying to share this silly quiz with someone and I figure that this is the place,
It's called what kind of kisser are you. I won't ask you guys to post your results or anything, I just thought this quiz was perfect for this discussion. I actually ended a relationship b/c the guy couldn't kiss. I figured if he couldn't kiss then ... well anyway you guys can figure it out.

As far as me well I really don't do too much of that public display of affection stuff, but I've never been with a guy who was into doing all of that stuff. I guess I really don't have a favorite or anything. Okay I'm rambling it must be time for bed...

Private Reply to DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist

Aug 21, 2005 2:45 amre: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah (eyes open)#

Susan Perkins
DeAnna - I took the quiz - seems I'm part Shy & Part Passionate Kisser!! :-) Thanks!

Dina - Yeah - it is so romantic when up close to gaze into his eyes when mouth-to-mouth...

This is SO fun - I've been thinking again - scary I know - here we are - a bunch of women willing to tell our wants & desires & dislikes, etc.....in open forum on this board...kind of like we are invited to a big slumber party again - except - there are a few men listening in and some joining in....If I could make an "educated" guess...and I will at this point... :-)

How many members here thus far - around 50-60? This is what is going to happen - before long - this network will be the "Hottest" thing on Ryze - Sandra will have WAY over 2000 members - it will become SO big that she will have a HUGE amount of material for her next book...this is such a brilliant idea...she is...

Providing an open forum where Mars & Venice ultimately understand each other?? :) (And we all feel a measure of safety expressing how we really feel behind the "security" of our PC Monitors!!!!

YEAH!! Already - I'm finding myself drawn to this forum more than my business forums - where I REALLY need to be balanced and spend more time!! What's a girl to do?? LOL

Warmest, Susan

Private Reply to Susan Perkins

Aug 21, 2005 5:05 amre: re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah (eyes open)#

Sandra Harmon

What a wonderful thing to say to me. That really made me happy. You are a lovely woman and have given me good advice so I am happy that you are enjoying this forum. What a lift you gave me tonight. It makes me want to work harder to bring you all the best that I have, and I will.

Thank you.

Sandy Harmon

Private Reply to Sandra Harmon

Aug 21, 2005 9:08 amre: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah#

Marilyn Jenett

Yeah, I have a smoochin' story.

George was one of the sexiest men I have ever met.

It was quite another story leading up to our meeting which I won't get into, but in summary...I was held up at gunpoint (automatic weapon) in the morning and met George that night in the supermarket as he was staring at me picking out veggies (actually I was just there to convince myself I was still alive - I figured if I wasn't, I probably wouldn't be picking out veggies in the supermarket - or at least I wouldn't be acknowledged at the check out stand).

So this adorable 6'2" hunk starts romancing me right there in the market (yes, he spoke first, but then he was originally from New York and New York men go after what they want). By the time I got home, there was a message on my voicemail...never mind that he was more years younger than me than I wish to admit on a public forum. I've always been drawn to younger men though. However, in his favor, he was a producer in the promotion department at CBS, owned his own condo and had a great personality. Oh yeah...did I mention he was sexy?

I decided to go for it :-). Okay, so this probably wasn't long term relationship material. Perhaps a final fling?
He was in the right place at the right time and really quite a gift. Every unattached woman reaching menopause should have a George appreciate them. It's way cool.

Our first date - he was a doll. But when he went to kiss me, I pulled away sharply. You see, I have a major sensitivity to fragrance. I cannot handle the smell of perfumed fragrance of any kind (flowers are cool though). I explained why I pulled away, but I bit the bullet (no pun intended) and ended up kissing him anyway.

The next morning I had a red ring around my mouth like a clown. His cologne had left it's impression (in this case, not only did the fragrance overwhelm me, but my skin couldn't handle it either).

I let George know forthwith that he had to make a decision - it was me or his Calvin Klein "Obsession". He couldn't have us both. I would only settle for monogamy. I told him I would never see him again unless he promised never to sneak back to his Calvin Klein. If he did, that would be it - the end.

I will let you guess the outcome.


Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 22, 2005 10:01 pmre: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah#

Alan Zibluk
Well the best kiss for me was in college. I was a
sophomore and she was a senior. We were friends. Just
before she graduated we had a moment where we shared a
really warm passionate kiss. It happened only one.

It has been so many years now but I do think about it. I
know some of you are asking why I didn't pursue a
relationship. I was 20 years old, shy, awkward and really
scared of being in a serious relationship. What do you
know when you are 20?

I do kiss with my eyes open, but I do try close them.

Just wanted to share,



Private Reply to Alan Zibluk

Aug 23, 2005 3:06 amre: Marilyn & Alan - A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah#

Susan Perkins
AHHHH this is HIS loss!! But, Marilyn - where are the details???? :-)

Yes - for those who are chemically sensitive - colognes can wreak havoc! (Petroleum byproducts)

Hi Alan! - Tell us, why was this kiss so wonderful? Because she seemed so much older than you as a 20 year old?

Cool - a guy who kisses with his eyes open!! :-)

Warmest, Susan

Private Reply to Susan Perkins

Aug 23, 2005 3:17 amre: Dina & Ann - A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah (Noojie)#

Susan Perkins
A "pecking" kisser??

No, I can't say I've ever had a "pecker"...so to speak!!! (Couldn't resist guys & gals..just too tempting...) LOL

Seriously - I forgot to tell you another really gross one -
One night while home on break from college - me and two other girlfriends went out dancing in Georgetown - Well, who do we start dancing with but a few Redskins football players - (and yes, you all probably know of them,,,but I won't divulge the names....)

At the end of the evening, the one I was dancing with predominately, layed a HUGE kiss on me - he was 6'4 - so handsome - and we had a great time - however - I almost gagged during the kiss - apparently, he must have been taking Steroids or something, because his tongue was so large and had scales on it like a fish!!! GROSS!!!

Are you guys thoroughly disgusted now?? Will you ever view me in the same way again?? :-)

Oh my goodness,,,the memories this thread has invoked...

Warmest, Susan

Private Reply to Susan Perkins

Aug 23, 2005 9:01 amre: re: Dina & Ann - A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah (Noojie)#

Marilyn Jenett


After your story, I guess George's cologne wasn't so bad.

No details. A gal's gotta have her secrets.

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 23, 2005 2:30 pmre: re: Marilyn & Alan - A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah#

Alan Zibluk
Hi Susan:

I know part of it was she was older. I liked her as
friend and didn’t have any type of crush on her. It was
totally unexpected when it did happen. It was a really
nice moment and years later when I think about “best
kiss,” I think of her.


Private Reply to Alan Zibluk

Aug 23, 2005 7:25 pmre: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah#


My worst kiss was in highschool. My boyfriend for a brief time used to "suck" my mouth. Very gross. I have large full lips and he would pull away and I'd have to wipe my entire mouth off. I tried to "teach" him to kiss normal, but he wouldn't have anything with that. Just kept wanting to suck my face. He was a really terrific guy too, but I broke up with him just because he was a gross kisser.

My best kiss is my current hubby. He's a very nice kisser.

I do like kissing, but don't do it as often as some...because I HATE bad breath. The guy might be a sensational kisser, but if his breath isn't fresh, well, the kiss isn't going to take too long, and I will not open my mouth to someone whose breath stinks. Uppity, I know, but I am who I am and like what I like.

I tend to have my eyes open and shut equally. A lot of times I will find one eye barely opened. I don't know why.

No onscreen kisses come to mind.

As for kisses with my boys. My oldest "tried" to stop the Mommy kisses years ago, but I won't have any of that. I told him I made him and I'll give him a mommy kiss if I want to. He humors me...in public or not. My youngest is the real kissy one in the family. He's almost 13 and he'll give me a kiss goodbye no matter whose watching. He even swoops in for the kiss on my mouth. He has no problems kissing his mommy.

Well, those are my kissing stories.


Private Reply to KerryF

Aug 23, 2005 7:47 pm re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah (how we learned to kiss in Connecticut)#

Ann Zuccardy - Vermont Shortbread Company
I don't know why, but this thread just evoked a funny fond memory of me and my junior high school friends in seventh grade at a birthday party sleepover. We talked endlessly about kissing and slow dancing. No one in my crowd had done either.

At this sleepover party, we all decided to practice on our pillows. So we grabbed our pillows in the classic pre-teen slow dance grip and proceeded to make out with them for at least 10 rounds of Chicago's Color My World. I remember being quite confused about tongues and since my pillow didn't have one, I learned nothing from the experience except that turning around in endless slow circles to music makes me dizzy.

Mind you, at this age (about 12) I was completely clueless about sex and not particularly interested in boys, but I had to pretend I was interested because it was the thing to do.

The following year in 8th grade, I did get asked to slow dance, but the boy changed his mind before we even started because I was too tall for him. I was tall and scrawny through most of my childhood. Thank goodness he bailed out, because I was still confused about where to put my hands during a slow dance and the tongue issue was still way too scary for me to think about.

Actually, I didn't even have my first real kiss until I was 16. I was a late bloomer, more of a bookworm than anything.

Still am. But, I think I've figured out tongues. Hee-hee.


Private Reply to Ann Zuccardy - Vermont Shortbread Company

Aug 23, 2005 7:56 pmre: re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss...#

Marielena Alvarez
I don't mind some tongue, but when that is all a guy wants to do, stick his tongue in my mouth, boring and uninspired. Even trying to kiss me after going down there, major yuck factor. When will guys learn what to do and what not to do?

Private Reply to Marielena Alvarez

Aug 24, 2005 3:37 amre: re: re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss...#

DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist
Okay I was like way too tired to think of best kiss/worst kiss, but the best one was associated with a one night stand. It was someone that I had a crush on and he turned out to be a good kisser and other things...

Worst was definitely one of my boyfriends in high school. I can't really put my finger on what made him a bad kisser. It was just bad and I really didn't want to kiss him but that was the thing to do when you had a boyfriend in high school(what else were they useful for?).


Private Reply to DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist

Aug 24, 2005 8:35 pmre: re: re: re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss...#

DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist
Okay so I decided to post the results that I got for the what kind of kisser are you quiz. If you care to see them, they are at http://360.yahoo.com/queend_17
I decided to make that one my fun blog. Anything is likely to wind up there.

Private Reply to DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist

Aug 24, 2005 8:44 pmre: re: re: re: re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss...#

Alan Zibluk
I took the quiz. Here are the results..
Part Expert Kisser
You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock
anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly

Part Freaky Kisser
When you kiss, you want to experience something new
A new technique, a new partner, a new piercing...
And your own personal kissing style is very unpredictable
There's no saying where your tongue or hands will go

I am happy with the results, but I am not sure
about the "piercing" part.


Private Reply to Alan Zibluk

Aug 27, 2005 6:32 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss...#

Danielle Bailey

Part Romantic Kisser

For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea The perfect kiss involves the perfect mood It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet

Part Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

Private Reply to Danielle Bailey

Aug 27, 2005 11:56 pmre: ALAN - A Kiss is Just a Kiss...Sandra - Question...#

Susan Perkins
Alan Said: "I am happy with the results"

The more important question should be: Is your partner happy with the results?? heheeee!!

I thought I posted my results to the quiz - perhaps that is the post I deleted -

I'm part passionate - part shy kisser....

hmmmm,,,can these tests be accurate? I just took my first Myers/briggs personality test - and it seems I'm in less than 10% of the female population - if I lined up 100 men - less than 10% would be a match for me!!

Sandra - do you believe in these personality tests for dating/relationship purposes? Has anyone brought this up in your coaching?? Instead of looks and bodies...or "chemistry" - should we send each other personality tests to see if there is a potential match??

Thanks! Susan (typing all by myself on a Saturday night while my son watches Nemo on DVD...)

Private Reply to Susan Perkins

Aug 28, 2005 12:17 amre: re: ALAN - A Kiss is Just a Kiss...Sandra - Question...#

Sandra Harmon
In truth, I don't believe in tests. I believe in Chemistry, Compatibility and Communication. And none of those three aspects of a relationship come through in a test. These come through when you are together eyball to eyball. I think tests can give you a false positive or negative.

Are you chemically attracted to him? Sexual chemistry is very important in a long term relationship. Start with that. Don't act on it too soon, but feel the feeling.

Compatibility: YOu dont have to be clones, but you have to pretty much have the same values, ethics, morals, sense of purpose. He or she has to have traits or habits that are not a deal breaker for you, like lying, drinking, possible obesity. Most people dont mention those qualities on a test. They try to hide them. But you soon learn the measure of a person when you spend time with them.

Communication: Also not possible on a test. How do you communicate with each other? Do you listen, care, negotiate. Is one of you a screamer? Does one of you tend to seduce, intimidate, or coerce the other. Is he willing to cherish your feelings ahead of his own. Are you willing to respect his thinking, even when you think you know better?

And then there is the big one? How do you like kissing him or her? I'll bet you cant learn that on a test?

I could go on and on but I'll stop here...

Sandy Harmon


Private Reply to Sandra Harmon

Aug 28, 2005 12:54 amre: re: ALAN - A Kiss is Just a Kiss...Sandra - Question...#

Chris Janssen

I wanted to add my 2 cents on the personality test questions. I've used personality tests for years with high school age young adults. I've used it for career discovery and just general personality awareness. I personally DON'T think they are usefull in matching for relationship purposes. They are useful in guiding toward or away from a particular career area. The IMPORTANT thing about personality tests is to be AWARE of how you and your personality react in a variety of situations. It's more for self use rather than match making in my eyes.

Our school staff took a very simple personality test a few years ago, and it's been amazing how we still make reference to it. It doesn't change who we work with, but we better understand WHY certain individuals do what they do.

Take care,

Private Reply to Chris Janssen

Aug 28, 2005 1:11 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss...#

Chris Janssen

Part Passionate Kisser

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble

Part Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

Private Reply to Chris Janssen

Aug 30, 2005 11:36 pmKiss, kiss, kiss! I love to kiss:)#

Leslie Freude Holtzclaw
I don't believe in these tests, but they sure are fun.

Part Shy Kisser

You *do* love to kiss, once your comfortable with it And that means knowing the person you're kissing pretty well You usually don't make the first move when it comes to making out But you've got plenty of intensity in return

Part Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

Private Reply to Leslie Freude Holtzclaw

Sep 08, 2005 5:01 pmre: re: (Susan) - A Kiss is Just a Kiss...#

Marielena Alvarez
If you are so curious about how I scored on the kiss quiz with no surprises for anyone who noticed my surname . . .

You're an Passionate Kisser

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble

You're a Shy Kisser

You *do* love to kiss, once your comfortable with it And that means knowing the person you're kissing pretty well You usually don't make the first move when it comes to making out But you've got plenty of intensity in return
If you knew me you'd know I'm anything but a "sad puppy" I have had a lot of heartache recently. Everything from the end of a longterm relationship with a fiance in December, having been a stepmother to his sons, my father dying in January of Parkinson's and having to have my beloved "son" my cat Raul, companion of 14 years put to sleep in my arms in April. I bounced back eventually because I'm the type of person who looks on the bright side and is optimistic. I'm in a new relationship with a great guy and he is a great kisser, but you have to kiss a few frogs . . . Me a "traditional" and/or somewhat prudish kisser? hardly, but not everyone likes the same kind of kissing. The guy I was referring to was all tongue (uninspired French Kissing), he didn't know how to kiss any other way, his tongue was constantly in my mouth, while I like variety. We all have our preferences and limits. Guys who refuse to respect mine are out the door in favor of a real man who loves me the way I am. I'm not saying never try new things but some things are "kinda gross" and we all have our "Ick Factor" How many other women out there are not interested in being kissed after their man has gone down on them? Am I the only one who thinks that is icky? Why a man would assume a woman even wants to be kissed on the mouth after is beyond me. I've never met any women who liked it or some other things along that line (69). Guys get these strange ideas from watching women paid to do these things that are so degrading to women.

Private Reply to Marielena Alvarez

Sep 08, 2005 9:17 pmre: (Susan) - A Kiss is Just a Kiss...#

Susan Perkins
Hi Again Marielena!

I apologize if I came across "less than sensitive" in my post - When I read your post, I felt some recent pain there - and it seems I was right - I use "sad puppy" for myself when I'm not feeling well...and meant that as an endearment - sorry it came across differently.

Regarding the rest of your post - WHOA!! I'm not touching that one!!! :-) Somethings are best discussed offline - or over the Telephone with a sex therapist...

Sandra...can you help me out on this one?? The only thing I will say is that different women/men have different needs, wants and desires...we all are so different. Therefore communicating what is acceptable to you BEFORE the intimacy is the best advice! Do you feel comfortable telling your partner what you like before it begins?

I wish you all the best in the world and am very happy you found your respectful man....hey....I'm still single!! :-)

Warmest to you and all, Susan

Private Reply to Susan Perkins

Nov 22, 2005 9:43 amre: re: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah#

Reetam Dey
According to me kiss is not symbol of love.If a man deeply kiss a women that did'n show that he or she love very much to him or her.If a man or a women truely love his or her lover then he or she will get true response from his or her lover.So thats why I am searching true friends.
Reetam Dey(Dr.Love)

Private Reply to Reetam Dey

Nov 23, 2005 6:16 amre: A Kiss is Just a Kiss... Muah#

pratap kumar somala (somala_pratap@yahoo.co.in)
Hai to all.....

I want to give one deff for kiss.

A kiss is a shake hand between two hearts.

A kiss is a Love Letter whih is written bye one lip to another lip.



Private Reply to pratap kumar somala (somala_pratap@yahoo.co.in)

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