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Your Feelings about Sending First Look cards to Family & Friends?Views: 1153
Jun 08, 2007 3:47 pmYour Feelings about Sending First Look cards to Family & Friends?#

Karianne Parkinson
Hi.. My Name is Karianne Parkinson and I am new to this Forum.. I have been with Sendoutcards since Nov 2006 but have really only been working it since Jan/Feb this year I joined a BNI chapter and starting to follow the Eagle steps each day. I just wanted to ask what your feelings are about sending a first look card to Family and Friends. I have been sending cards to Family and friends now for about 6 months and I have had a few of them ask other family members what I do, but they don't ask me directly.

So I was thinking maybe I should send a campaign out of first look cards with a CD to my Family and Friends? I just don't want them to feel like I am selling/pushing (like Amway- don't meen to offend) them my product.. SO I want my card and words inside to explain and still make them interested to try it. So when I do follow up with them they don't feel like I am selling them. Am I making any sense at all.

I know I am new and you might have all gone through this, so any suggestions would be very helpful.


Private Reply to Karianne Parkinson

Jun 08, 2007 4:12 pmre: Your Feelings about Sending First Look cards to Family & Friends?#

Carlos Scarpero www.ItsAboutResults.com
I personally don't like First Look cards and find myself sending them less and less. With family and friends, send them a pic + card, maybe a party, vacation etc. Put a silly caption on it. Make it goofy and fun. Don't put a DVD in it. Then, call them later and ask if they got it. Then say, "hey you wanna see how I made it?"

With cold market, like Realtors and whoever, I don't use First Look either. I prefer custom cards related to their field. I recently did a campaign to a sales training franchise and one of my cards was a custom card with their founder that I grabbed off of their website along with a quote from the website. On the inside was a short message and a very casual photo of myself (the same photo I'm using on Ryze).

Here are some of the comments I got...

"wow, that's very original and certainly got my attention"

"Being in the sales training business, I see sales oriented systems every day. Thanks for doing something original and interesting."

The best one though was a guy in Denver. I'm in Ohio. He said on my voice mail...

"I have been prospected by at least 4 SOC people here in Denver. Their cards have been stale and boring. You on the other hand have been original and interesting. Thanks." Next day, did a GAW and apped him up as Entrepreneur on the spot. THAT'S THE POWER OF THE CUSTOM CARD!

Triple your referrals quickly, easily and cheaply

Private Reply to Carlos Scarpero www.ItsAboutResults.com

Jun 08, 2007 4:38 pmre: re: Your Feelings about Sending First Look cards to Family & Friends?#

Karianne Parkinson
I agree with you and I see where you are coming from.
Almost all the cards that I have sent out have been custom personalised picture plus cards.. I hear from other family members how they loved the cards that so and so got, and I will get an e-mail from the family that got the cards thanking me for the card that they loved it and appeciate the thoughtfullness. I just have not had anyone ask me how I do that or how can I make cards like this.. I gues my problem is calling and asking I have not been doing that at all.

THe cards that I can created for my customers and BNI chapters have been a huge hit and they love them, So I see and understand the value and purpose. I was just wondering what could be a way to use the first look card.

I guess the purpose that I am wanting to do the first look card is not so much to enlist my family for business but enlist them for referrals, to see if they know of someone that might know someone that could use this type of system. and that is what I would like to use the first look card for to my family and friends for.. how can I make it something that I can give them help them with and then help me with as well.


Private Reply to Karianne Parkinson

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