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Let the truth prevail...Views: 1120
Oct 19, 2005 12:49 amLet the truth prevail...#

Musten Jiruwala Fading away into oblivion
After the TOI report on Nimish withdrawing his complaint, seeds of doubt have been sown. Let us take a step back and "speculate" using our common sense. Let us not be biased or be emotional about the whole issue and see what comes out.

Place: Bangalore Railway Station
Time: about 6.30pm on 30th September (Friday).

Thousands of people are thronging this railway station, either arriving or leaving or dropping their friends/relatives.

Scenario 1 (Nimish's version):
TTE is standing on the exit gate examining the platform and journey tickets of hundreds of people using the gate. Everything is normal until Nimish approaches them. TTE suddenly tears off his platform ticket and says "What if I say that you haven't given me the ticket?" Before Nimish reacts, TTE along with his colleague pushes Nimish into the adjacent enquiry cabin leaving the exit gate unattended and physically manhandles him. Four RPF personnel joins the melee and without questioning starts assaulting Nimish and beats him up...Nimish breaks down physically and mentally and allows certain V Srinivas to negotiate with the guys to bribe his way out.

Scenario 2 (Railway official's Version):
TTE is standing on the exit gate examining the platform and journey tickets of hundreds of people using the gate. Everything is normal until Nimish approaches them in an inebriated condition. TTE asks him for the ticket and he is unable to produce the ticket. Moreover, he tries to push his way thru. TTE catches him and again demands the ticket. Nimish again tries to break himself free and flee. In the process he starts pushing, abusing and beating the TTE. Seeing this, another railway officer intervenes and calls the Railway Police Force people. They contain him and give him few slaps and take him into the cabin. Seeing a man in trouble, conman V Srinivas tries to fleece Nimish. After a while, Nimish, with the help of V Srinivas, bribes them and comes out. His mental state is highly resentful. Srinivas tries to con him further, but Nimish...

After three days, he starts his campaign...

With these two scenarios (perhaps there could a third one), use our common sense to determine what "could be the truth".

If the Railways are the real offenders, let us gather our strength and see to it that they get punish.

If Nimish is the real offender, then he has misused our trust and done a lot of damage to the credibility of Bangalore using electronic and National Media.

Let the truth prevail...


Private Reply to Musten Jiruwala Fading away into oblivion

Oct 19, 2005 4:56 amre: Let the truth prevail...#

Deepak Shenoy
In a lighter vein:

Scenario 3:
Aliens invaded Earth and some took the form of the TTE and RPF officials. They decided that Nimish was the enemy and proceeded to beat him up, then when they saw Srinivas, another alien incarnate, they realized they were wrong and let Nimish go. Some money exchange happened because the aliens wanted money to buy cigarettes, which are banned on their home planet.

Scenario 4:
Nimish looked exactly like a particular guy who had conned the TTE long time ago, money the TTE had saved to buy a scooter for his youngest son. So the TTE along with the RPF officials attacked Nimish. But Srinivas, the real conman, came in and returned the money of the TTE - so they left Nimish. But the conman wanted some money so he tried to con Nimish.

Scenario 5:
Nimish hates TTEs and RPF officials, and the reason for his anger is that a TTE had pulled him away from his twin brother in the Kumbh mela when he was a kid. So he bashed up the TTE and convinced people that it was the other way around, but the TTE introduced him to his long lost twin, who was named Srinivas, so Nimish took back his complaint.

To those reading this and considering suing me for libel: This is a joke. It is fabricated nonsense that is intended to make you laugh. If you don't laugh, then it is what is called a bad joke. Whatever it is, don't take it seriously.

Private Reply to Deepak Shenoy

Oct 19, 2005 5:44 amre: re: Let the truth prevail...#

ameen sait
Dear all

So far I had refrained from saying anything and just watched the various posts on nimish and what happenned.

I believe that the reason why so many contradictions are occuring because when nimish's story first hit the BBN, people reacted with their hearts and not their brains as there is always two sides to a story.

It teaches us to refrain from casting blame totally on one party and then when alternative facts come out, to blame the other.

By now let us agree that there is something fishy which has happenned and move on. This is after all a business network and somehow in this whole affair, this seems to have been forgotten.

Private Reply to ameen sait

Oct 19, 2005 6:14 amre: Let the truth prevail...#

Asif iqbal
The truth could be
Nimish was drunk and misbehaved with the TTE and the TTE called the RPF personnel to handle this. RPF guys as usual tried to calm him down and nimish has reacted because he was obviously drunk and he would have boasted that he was a software guy IIML etc..etc..which did not please the government officials.
And the money snatching story is complete BS. Nobody existed that time. And all the ATM story is abstract.
To exaggerate this story, all that was done.
Cheer up guys.

Private Reply to Asif iqbal

Oct 19, 2005 6:16 amre: re: re: Let the truth prevail...#

raj kumara.p.
well wat we really doing is arm chair analysis..reminds me of agatha character..jane marple..all i wud like to add is..nimish did not once come up on ryze to thank any one..for all the efforts ...ryzers,mostly strangers to him came up with..i smelt a rat then itself..anyways..TRUTH WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL..SATYAMVE JAYATE.

Private Reply to raj kumara.p.

Oct 19, 2005 6:26 amre: re: re: re: Let the truth prevail...#

Brinda Aiyar
Hi all:

It is sad that while at one point we tried to help out an individual, just one more story and we are ready to villify the guy. I am not debating on whether Nimish was right or wrong. My question is only what if he was right? Raj, he did convey his thanks a couple of times. So I guess we can't fault him on that. Let us try and take a more neutral view rather than the extremes that we have been taking!

Private Reply to Brinda Aiyar

Oct 19, 2005 6:32 amre: re: re: re: Let the truth prevail...#

Raghavendra BS

this is what i posted today,

I have few points & questions here for nimish

1) Any government official in uniform would not dare touch you unless you look shabby.
2) From my experiences with government officials, they will not try to manhandle people unless they are really frustrated.
3) Even if they are frustrated, they will cool down, once you start talking in a cool voice.
4) There is a saying in this place. “Respect even an ass if you want your work get done”. Probably that explains why they treated you as their younger brother at some point when they felt their jobs are in stake.
5) I Completely agree with you that they should not have man handled you, and they have already paid the price for it, by getting transferred to a different place.
6) You were not the only person in railway station who seem to be “well-to-do”
7) Even police who are famous for “brutalities” hesitate to touch people who are “well-to-do”
8) Have you ever seen the instance where police trying to make money from a person driving an “own CAR”, even though they know that they have more money?
9) You say, “This series of events generally occurs on the last day of the month as they know that the salary gets credited on this day”. How many such instances you have heard in Bangalore till now? At least with me, yours is the first and hopefully the last.
10) You said,

I left office at 10:30 AM, to meet the DIG (Railways) as per his appointment. To our surprise, we did not find a single person at Cauvery Bhavan who could direct us to the DIG's office. Cauvery Bhavan consists of several buildings and we had to hunt from one to the other till we reached the right place. All we found there was a huge lock on every door. Incidentally, DIG Shivkumar had given me an appointment on a day which was a government holiday. And why should he have the courtesy to inform me about the same? After all we are fools to run from one place to the other.

Now, I do not believe that a person who is a DIG (supposed to be a very responsible post) would not give you any appointment when you called from ACP Uday Shankar’s office, without looking at their appointments.

11) Are you aware that essential services like police, Railways, hospitals will work 24 hours, 365 days of a year irrespective that weather it is a government holiday or not?
12) I do not believe that your story is complete and you are probably misguiding people, by hiding few things in your story.
13) Government officials are mostly afraid of the media, and they would not try to hide things in front of media, since they know the consequences of doing so.
14) A person who is in the post of DIG/ACP cannot be a fool.
15) Media people can manipulate the truth, but they cannot hide the truth for a long time. Even they know it.
16) Ever since kempegowda established Bangalore, this place is known for its hospitality for others, and it is hard to believe your story.
17) When kempegowda established Bangalore, he called it “gandugala naadu” that is, “land of warriors”. People here are famous for assertive behavior. They are usually very calm and composed, but when provoked, they can be vicious.

Please let people know the complete story, so that people can support for what you have suffered and sack you for your mistakes.

PS: - no offence meant to anybody, but this post is in public interest.

What is namma bengaluru doing? Are they not aware of this issue?

also few facts.

Oct 4th Anupam Ketkar asks him did you get any wound certificate?
Oct 18th NA updates saying he got the wound certificate on Oct 2nd
Oct 4th evening NA claims he took the advice from Fellow Ryzers
Oct 18th NA Updates he lodged a complaint on Oct 2nd

Private Reply to Raghavendra BS

Oct 19, 2005 6:37 amre: re: re: re: re: Let the truth prevail...#

raj kumara.p.
sorry..my fault i did not read his apologies..anyways..he needs to explain his stand..for the unconditional support extended by fellow ryzers..as far as iam concerned..its a closed topic for me..hereon...

Private Reply to raj kumara.p.

Oct 19, 2005 7:17 amre: re: re: re: re: re: Let the truth prevail...#

Avinash Mudaliar
A few things:

First things first:

Where are we inferring from?

Source of information: sbcbrutes.blogspot.com

SBC BRUTES? Hey, I live in this city! BBN does too!

People were advised to stay calm, not to react, wait another day for the other version of the story...

After the so called clarification, many words were taken back.

Many were requested to maintain restraint as their views mattered.

And what do we get.I drank tea with so and so, SMS ed so and so. Names of every constable to DCP in the station and a sorry note saying " I wanna go ahead with my life, Sir"


The media is flawed
The Police are crooks
The crooks are crooks
The system is beyond reproach
God save us all!

Wow! and I am still writing this message.

I said this in my previous post and I say it now. So, why all this brouhaha..All this upheaval?


A blogspot called " SBC BRUTES" and dedicated to "BRUTALITIES IN BANGALORE" written in bold connot by any stretch of imagination cannot present an un-biased POV, me thinks!(Disclaimer: That is my point of view)

The wheel has come full circle with the media, so much a cog in this story licking its wounds.

From the media perspective:

1)Using the media has its pros and cons. They will see both sides of the story at some point in time.

2) When the media was used to promote the cause there was thankyous all over.

3)When the media presented the other side of the story, It is left to " Almighty God" to slove the matter. (God dammit, if that is the case, then please convict me)

4) Final Inference: The media misinterpreted the story and I wanna go back to my email, gmail and whatever.


Version 1: Thank you TOI, Thank you DH, NDTV,Aaj Tak, STAR, Tehelka, Times NOW and Zee etc. The Tribune carried a story based on these inputs. Thank you all for covering me and my story in all possible via media possible

Version 2: " Lot of you helped me in the process of getting justice but may be disappointed with what's out in the Times of India article today. Here is my side of the story. You can read it in continuation of my previous posts here.

I thought everything was over and done with as far as the railway chaps were concerned till today's article in the Times of India, wherein the DRM Mahesh Kumar has manipulated my words. The article which has quoted him claims that I withdrew the complaint because the enquiry found me at fault on several fronts. God dammit, if that is the case, then please convict me.

On reading the article I immediately sent a message to DCM Anwar with a word of thanks for such a nice way of thanking me. As expected, there was no response.

I thought that what I had done was an act of good faith. But it's been rehashed very conveniently. May God bless them all!"

This is my last post on this matter... So long and thanks for all the fish!

It stinks!


Private Reply to Avinash Mudaliar

Oct 19, 2005 8:48 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: Let the truth prevail...#

Raghavendra BS
I Agree with you avinash, it stinks. we've had enough.

no more posts from me either.

Private Reply to Raghavendra BS

Oct 19, 2005 9:39 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Let the truth prevail...#

Vipin Arumugham
Well the sad part is there is no truth, there is only reality.... A reality that BBN was instrumental in creating by acknowledging and supporting Nimish, which the media only reinforced later. Today BBN is a sceptic....based on what media has to say... strange!! It doesnt stink until 10 people buy into the fact that it does, like they bought into what Nimish had to say in the first place. Before you coin your verdict be responsible. Dont jump to conclusions.

Private Reply to Vipin Arumugham

Oct 19, 2005 9:58 amLet's put this matter to rest#

Nitin Shah
Let Ryzers draw their own conclusions on this matter and let's put this matter to rest. No more Brutalities in Bangalore and no more Truth must Prevail. Those who are interested to persue this matter, can contact Nimish directly.


Private Reply to Nitin Shah

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