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WOW!! You Have to See This...Views: 8332
Jul 31, 2006 2:56 amWOW!! You Have to See This...#

Marilyn Jenett

Many of you probably saw my post in April about FFTP students Martin Thomas and David Stewart's recent manifestations: my April post

Since I began mentoring Martin, he has attracted so many incredible opportunities (yep, I am going to take some mentor's credit here). In that April post, I had mentioned that Martin and his family and their island were to be featured on the largest television network in New Zealand and that the film crew from New Zealand was arriving at the island that next day.

Well, the television segment was a huge success and very popular with audiences. I now have a link so that I can share this special manifestation with you...

Martin's Television Segment
(high and low resolution - approx. 6 minutes)

Martin also shared on our Community call this week another synchronistic and "out of the blue" experience:

He had decided to attend a seminar in the States a couple of weeks ago relating to book publishing and promotion. His book has already been published in New Zealand and was being sold, but just became available on amazon.com through an American distributor.

In a telephone conversation, I asked Martin what his primary goal was at this time. He said he wanted to be a speaker, so that he could not only promote the book, but also share his views on family values, home schooling and raising children with higher consciousness.

The very next day, he felt "prompted" to share a taxicab at the airport - which he usually wouldn't do, being a prosperity thinker :-). The person who shared the cab with him took a copy of his book and connected him to a friend of hers. Martin was immediately invited to speak for a popular online summer seminar relating to children and those very subjects. He is now on the roster with such notables as Stephen Covey, Robert Kiyosaki and other renowned authors!

Now please note that this happened in less than 24 hours from the time that Martin expressed his wishes to me.

Speaking of heaven...

A Slice of Heaven - A Family on the Move
by Martin Thomas

The website presentation page for the book is being created now. It will include photos, the television video, an audio reading of a chapter by Martin, and links.

In the meantime:

You can see a photo and description of the book here: Publisher's Catalogue

You can find and buy the book on amazon.com, but keep in mind it was just added two weeks ago, so details need to be enhanced: The Book on Amazon.com

You can read a chapter from the book here: Read a Chapter

The Island: Little Eden Cay Website

Some great photos of Martin's family here: Very Fabulous Properties Website

Some of you know that I am not only Martin and David's prosperity mentor. The association has also evolved into a business relationship and my title in CMO - Chief Manifesting Officer. :-)

After reading Slice of Heaven and contemplating ideas for Martin, I believe that his family's story would make a wonderful movie - to be specific, I think a television movie in two parts would be perfect and hold a lot of appeal for families and audiences in general. In my opinion, their story has all the necessary elements - uniqueness, excitement, some tragedy, pursuing dreams, overcoming odds, humor, family values, prosperity consciousness and spiritual quest, some very special animals and creatures and shades of a modern day Swiss Family Robinson. Move over, reality shows! THIS is reality. :-) I know you haven't read the book (yet), but based on what you have seen and read here, what do you think?

~ Marilyn

There's still time for you to join the FFTP Private Community and be on the August calls with me: Details Here

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Jul 31, 2006 8:10 pmre: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Terri Gibbons
Wow the video is fascinating. The book must be incredible. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a copy.

A movie would be the ultimate. Can't wait to see this one on the BIG screen :)

How exciting for Martin and his family.


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Private Reply to Terri Gibbons

Aug 01, 2006 7:56 amre: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Afzal Huda
WOW! What a gorgeous place! I can see myself living on a beautiful island with a loving family.

That's a perfect story for a film. It can easily be a thearical feature, there are lots of parents these days who want more family films so they can take their kids out. Before coming to Korea I was working on the development of a family feature film about a boy raised by dolphins on a remote island. Can't give more details but it was written by Pen Densham (writer of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves), I know him personally. He'll be perfect to write the screenplay for this.

Of course first the book will have to be optioned for the screenplay and then the stages of production, etc. Disney/Warner Brothers/Sony will want it from the start, however, I think that this can be an awesome independent, low budget say 20 million. I can even see the shots, this will be so artisitic and inspiring!


Private Reply to Afzal Huda

Aug 01, 2006 8:37 amre: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Marilyn Jenett

Okay, Afzal, when do we start??? I don't know why I didn't think of you for this - you just might be a perfect conduit.

Martin will give me an option on the property and I have already begun seeking contacts. After all, I am in the middle of it all - right here in La La Land.

I have a few secrets from my past very few people know about. Years back, I had an option on the John Wayne story. I was doing business with Pilar, his wife of 25 years, and she gave me the option on "My Life with the Duke". I had a literary agent/attorney and we spent a year on it. It was a great book and story, but there were reasons it didn't end up getting produced (by anyone).

Two other biographies of famous people just "fell in my hands" out of the blue years earlier - the H.L. Hunt story, "Texas Rich" and "The Hunter", the autobiography of Tuvia Friedman, the Nazi hunter who tracked down Eichmann. I have some interesting tales about those projects. But I wasn't the woman I am now - or shall I say, I wasn't the manifester I am now. :-). I was "green" then. Now I'm seasoned - haha. And have more faith and conviction than I have ever had in my life.

So to create a production with beauty, spiritual essence and real values would be the ultimate, don't you think? And with a group of prosperity students at the helm? HA!

Am I sounding 'Hollywood'?


Yoo Hoo! Martin! You're the star. Any comments?

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 01, 2006 11:36 amre: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Rebecca Templet
hi afzal, i went to your ryze site and didn't see your guestbook to sign. i just had to ask about the picture, mud festival? this has to be one great story.
I am so encouraged to hear how people are manifesting wonderful things in their lives. i am so enjoying the posts.
blessings, rebecca

Private Reply to Rebecca Templet

Aug 01, 2006 2:12 pmre: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Afzal Huda
Hi Rebecca,

Yes, it's a Self-Portrait I took at the Boryeong Mud Festival a couple of weeks ago in South Korea. Great story, indeed. Actually since starting Marilyn's "Lessons" and joining the Community Calls, everyday has become a GREAT STORY! And will stay that way, actually, it will get EVEN BETTER! I am that confident.

I am sure you've already started "Lesson One" and will share your great accomplishments/manifestations with us.


Private Reply to Afzal Huda

Aug 01, 2006 2:35 pmre: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Afzal Huda
Marilyn, first of all you should incorporate a company for the purposes of this film and call it "Properity Pictures" :)

You're 100% right about creating a production with beauty, spiritual essence and real values. This should be a must. I know Pen Densham is working on a lot of things these days but if you want, I can contact him and see if he's interested in reading the book and I can introduce you to him and you guys can meet and discuss further. His company is affiliated with MGM Studios and they're in Santa Monica. He's an awesome guy, great vibe. He's a rare gem in Hollywood. Let me know.


Private Reply to Afzal Huda

Aug 01, 2006 9:49 pmre: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Rebecca Templet
nope, don't know what lesson one is, hmmmmm, guess i need to read further. i am new to these boards, but, oh lord i am hooked now!! rebecca

Private Reply to Rebecca Templet

Aug 01, 2006 11:54 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Afzal Huda

On the main page of the Feel Free to Prosper network, there are links to some free teleconference and workshops that you should check out first. They are basically the introduction to what Marilyn teaches and basic description of the universal laws. And the most important thing, HAVE FUN!

All the best...


Private Reply to Afzal Huda

Aug 02, 2006 12:02 amRe: our Slice of Heaven#

Martin Thomas
I felt it was time to return to the network and take the opportunity to thank Marilyn for her support, advice and enthusiasm regarding these exciting developments of late.

I also want to thank you, Terri, for your encouragement, and Afzal in particular for your enthusiastic response and suggestions. There is nothing that I would like more than to see “Slice of Heaven” made into a movie, whether for Television or the “Big Screen”. I actually started off wanting to be an actor, and was in Hollywood for a year waiting for my “big break” to happen…but that is another story...

Lately I have realised that we are all actors to a degree, and the important thing is to be acting the part that is right for us. We all have LEADING ROLES in our own movies, and we should expect BLOCKBUSTER SUCCESS as the outcome.

As a family, we make big plans, secure in the knowledge that we can and do create our reality. We either see our hopes or our fears manifesting in our lives, or a combination of the two, which can become very confusing.

“Slice of Heaven” is the story of our “divine experiment” to create an ideal environment to nurture our children in, and to instill a “higher consciousness” in them, through Nature, through selective education at home, and through choosing to block out the negative statements, and encourage only positive thoughts and statements.

Our hope is to spread an inspired message to the world…one which has served to fuel our adventures, and enabled us to succeed in our endeavours.

“Slice of Heaven” closes with these words:

“I hope also that our story has served as some inspiration for you to pursue your dreams, no matter how ‘wild’ or ‘wonderful’. We firmly believe all things are possible, and that the only limitations in life are those we unwittingly place upon ourselves, or allow others to place upon us. Here’s to life. Enjoy the journey.”

It is time to “enlarge our container”, and to “raise our sights”, and this community is the forum where we can do just that, in a supporting and loving environment.


Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Aug 02, 2006 12:10 amre: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Marilyn Jenett

Hi Rebecca,

Welcome to Feel Free to Prosper and the first day of the rest of your prosperous life. :-)

I do want to mention something first...about getting "hooked". I believe the true role of a mentor is to teach the mentee how to tap and rely on his/her own resources, and not to remain dependent on the mentor. You can consider me a sort of bridge to your new consciousness and you may lean on my faith and knowledge - until the eaglet is ready to fly on its own. Does that make sense?

However, that being said, it is true that once you tap into your mental and spiritual resources and start receiving responses from Universal Mind - you will indeed enter a new way of living. You can and should become "hooked" on this new consciousness and never, ever look back.

Rebecca, you can refer to my posts here or the links above the message board where you will see my programs and find out how you can get Lesson One in your hands right away and begin the process.

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 02, 2006 12:21 amre: Re: our Slice of Heaven#

Marilyn Jenett

I remember when Sophia Loren starred in her own autobiographical television movie. An actress played the younger Sophia and Loren played herself as an adult.

I cannot help but speculate on the possibility of a documentary feature film starring the actual Thomas family.
Of course, recreating the past experiences leading up to the current island habitat would be a monstrous effort - but we'll leave that to the filmmakers. :-) Past scenes are often recreated in artistic ways, even for television shows.

Well, it's just a thought. Somehow, I feel the stars of this current television segment might be fascinating to watch for a couple of hours...I'm referring to the parrots, of course :-)

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 02, 2006 3:00 amre: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Marilyn Jenett


I'm right next door to Santa Monica.

Interesting that you are halfway around the world and I am about a five minutes drive from him. His offices are probably at MGM Plaza - you are probably not aware that in 2003, they moved from Santa Monica to Century City. I'm only 8 blocks from there. My office was in a Century City highrise for 16 years before I moved it home a few years ago.

(You can read about MGM's moves here if you are intestered, since you are in the "biz": http://www.seeing-stars.com/Studios/MGMplaza.shtml.)

So if he turns out to be a contact, he's just down the street and I can drop the book off :-).

Gee, the world keeps getting smaller.

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 02, 2006 6:25 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Afzal Huda
He's on Wilshire Blvd. He has his own independent company, which is affiliated with MGM. They were on pre-production in May/June for "The Last Full Measure" starring Morgan Freeman. Summer is always busy for production. Well, lets see what he says...

Marilyn, are you reading my mind or we just connected :) You know what I was thinking? I would love to make a documentary about Martin and his family :) This is so INSPIRING! I think the dramatic film should feature the whole story of the book, however, for the documentary I have a different idea. Of course it's very important to show the manifestation of the place and how it happened but what will be more interesting is that "How they're living NOW." Imagine documenting Martin and his family's life for a year and see what happens next. I would love to see Casper manifesting something amazing and the audience going WOW!!! This is fasinating and so inspiring.

Martin, you are a PERFECT subject for a documentary film. With my experience as a director/producer for documentaries, I can see that you are a character that any filmmaker would love to have. The camera loves you, amazing personality (plus points!) and great voice. Your humble nature comes out so easily. You'll be a great speaker. And you have a lovely family. Location is gorgeous, many artistic shots, lots of room to move and capture the beauty. It's actually more than perfect!!!

Now as we all know that we can't put a time frame on manfestation as it all happens beyond it, same for a documentary of this nature. We might see wonderful things happening right away and capture everything in two months or 6 months, it's about telling a story not making one! After watching the film, I want people to say, "I can do this, we can do this! WOW! Anything is possible!" To me that'll be a successful film.

What are your thoughts on this?


Private Reply to Afzal Huda

Aug 02, 2006 11:25 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Rebecca Templet
Thanks for your support Afzal, i have always had the mentality of why not when told "you can't do that"! i agree with you and Marilyn that this movie/documentary is sorely needed to show what is possible.
Blessings, rebecca

Private Reply to Rebecca Templet

Aug 02, 2006 9:45 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Marilyn Jenett

Well, there is only one issue that could possibly turn those plans for an island documentary aside: Martin said the family is planning to soon buy a new property and begin a new life in France. He plans to make that the sequel - a second book in a three part series of "Family on the Move".

"Slice of Heaven" follows the family in their travels - Australia, New Zealand, Italy and finally, their amazing life on the island.

If the family weren't so private, it would make one heck of a reality show. :-) (And by the way, I have never watched a reality show).

Yes, it would make quite a documentary film.

As you say, time for Martin's comments...

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 02, 2006 11:01 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Martin Thomas
Well, this is an exciting development. We were not considering spending a great deal of time on the Island, as we have plans to go to France and renovate a Chateau together, as part of our wider plans for the Destination Club, however, we are always open to our "highest good", and therefore our plans are not set in stone.

I would be very interested to explore this concept further.

My initial question would be:

How would the documentary be funded? I think that the documentary could be filmed in a matter of weeks, rather than months, as the life on the Island is really very simple, and we could certainly commit to that as a family quite easily.

Afzal,I would like to get a copy of the book to you ASAP to read...could you give me your mailing address and I will get one in the post to you.

Perhaps the French Chapter also could be of interest, as we tackle that as a family on the move?


Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Aug 02, 2006 11:30 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Marilyn Jenett


Shall we send Afzal the e-version of the book to read while he's waiting for the print version?

I can tell that Afzal is a man who likes to act in the NOW. :-)

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 02, 2006 11:42 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Martin Thomas
Marilyn, that would be great if you would forward the E-version of the text to Afzal, and perhaps the cover, while I wait to hear from him regarding the postal address.


Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Aug 03, 2006 1:42 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Afzal Huda
Good Evening everyone, it's my morning so Good Morning to me :)

Martin, I just sent you my mailing address for the book and as soon as I get the e-version from Marilyn, I'll make a protein shake and explore a "Slice of Heaven!"

I have to be somewhere in 15 minutes for fun (some people call it work)! I'll write more on my break, particularly about the funding issue and whether to go for the island shoot or explore the French chapter.

Until then stay tuned and keep prospering...


Private Reply to Afzal Huda

Aug 03, 2006 10:42 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Afzal Huda
Wow! Now to France, this is great Martin. Well, this changes a lot of things. Documentary is a bit different from shooting a drama because there's no script to follow. It's basically looking at life through a lens and that's what excites me. Through the camera I get into people's realities to see the world as they see it and then reveal those realities creatively in the editing process. Yes, we can capture your family lifestyle in a week but that works perfect for a reality show. Like your family feature, which was broadcast in New Zealand can be shot in a day because of its purpose. What I had in mind was to follow your and your family's life for a period of time and see what unfolds, capture the random events that lead up to beautiful manifestations and resulting in an Aha moment! Now that can happen in 2 weeks or 2 months or more, no one knows. That's the happy adventure that we're all on. My question to you would be "Will you and your family feel comfortable having a small crew (e.g. 3 people) around all the time?" Now this crew is not a reality show crew that's in your face all the time but still these people will be a part of your life for a while.

As you know Martin, there are usually three stages in filmmaking. Development/pre-production, production and post-production. Each stage is important for funding as well as the aesthetics of the film. There are many ways to fund this project. Of course we'll have to bring in an experienced producer. I usually work with the National Film Board of Canada. We can have co-productions with the countries that relate to the film. I know that France has signed a co-pro treaty with Canada so the French chapter will fall into that. You know what Martin, even though the island is so beautiful to film in, to me the beauty is revealed through the love of the family. The certainty that you have about life, etc. So France will be the same, I KNOW IT! First I want you to think and discuss with your family about what I mentioned earlier (having a small crew in your life for a period of time). How long if you ask, I would say on and off until you manisfest the end result, meaning the crew can be with you for a while and then give you some privacy depending on the circumstances and then continue to capture the life. There are lots of things to consider and discuss before I can propose anything to the film board. Think about it and then we can discuss further.


Private Reply to Afzal Huda

Aug 03, 2006 5:57 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Martin Thomas
Afzal, there is much food for thought here, and I will consider the possibilities further and discuss with Jenifer over the weekend. Your enthusiasm is infectious, but it is a big decision for us to make, and we must decide whether it is a good "fit" for us.

I really appreciate your expertise and advice on this. Thank you.

The interesting thing from the perspective of manifestation is that last year in October we went to France as a family, and traveled around Italy and France, eating in all manner of restaurants, and my thought was to write a book called "Out to Lunch", and make a little film of the experience...i.e. a family of seven lunching their way around europe. Children are so honest, their comments can be very entertaining, and disarming at the same time. My children love good food, and we have schooled them to enjoy nutritious food, so instead of perhaps saying "yuk" or "what is this", they will naturally say..."this is absolutely delicious, Mama..."

I thought it would be refreshing to have their honest commentary, rather than that of seasoned food personalities.

I had no idea how to orchestrate the "show" as Jenifer and I have our hands full with the children and Michelangelo, who is only two, and needs assistance and supervision, so there were really no free hands to hold a camera or a 'mike', and the few people I shared the idea with thought I was 'crazy', but that is not unusual...

I know that what we have as a family is very special, and it is definitely our mission to nurture it and share it also in some way, hopefully to inspire others, as I know "Slice of Heaven" does.

So, in closing, we will talk this over as a family, and I will be in touch further, but it is exciting to see the "synchronicity" here, and the potential also.

Martin & Family.

Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Aug 03, 2006 10:44 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Marilyn Jenett

A former client of mine (in my special event business) was Home & Garden Television. It was the event I produced for them during a cable convention, that put them "on the map", so to speak. On my website, in the section titled "Your Mentor", you can scroll down and see the Beverly Hills estate where we had this huge party.
It was a big hit. The following year, I coordinated the party for the same convention, this time held in New Orleans. I hired Harry Connick, Jr. and his funk band. Another hit event (also on my website).

You might say that HGTV understood the benefits of making an impact. I coordinated their events for several years and then they merged with The Food Network.

When you think about it, Home & Garden Television and The Food Network are a perfect fit for the Thomas Family. I can almost envision Martin and Jenifer and the older children with their own international themed cooking show! (Martin and Jenifer's experiences included owning their own restaurant/cafes, which they describe in the book). The children would give the show the unique twist.

Possibilities abound.

~ M

P.S. Martin...perhaps a synopsis for this idea would be in order.

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 04, 2006 1:58 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Afzal Huda
Martin, here the main purpose is to inspire and motivate people, which "Slice of Heaven" is already doing and will continue. I am certain and positive that "Slice of Heaven" will be made into a dramatic film at the right time and will further inspire more people.

I agree with you that committing to a documentary for a period of time is a big decision. Lets see what you and Jenifer decide, however, for some reason, I resonate with the idea that Marilyn proposed. An international Thomas Family cooking show for HGTV and The Food Network. I can see this happening right away. Europe, being an interesting food destination will hype the proposal.

I think you should also discuss this alternative with Jenifer and if both of you agree, may be Marilyn can start the cycle with her contacts, etc.

Martin, I have a GREAT feeling about this. Marilyn is 100% right about children giving a unique twist to the show. There are many cooking shows out there, especially travel cooking shows that do well but this is something special. I think you guys should go for it.

I concur with you Martin, that the "synchronicity" here is exciting indeed. I love when things like these happen, it makes you appreciate life and the connection that we're all ONE!


Private Reply to Afzal Huda

Aug 05, 2006 4:13 amWOW!! You Have to See This...Meet the Stars of This "Reality Thread"...#

Marilyn Jenett

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 05, 2006 4:26 amWOW!! You Have to See This...#

Marilyn Jenett


I manifested the ideal contact today for movies/television.
It was like destiny stepped right in...won't discuss any more at this time per my own teachings relating to 'keeping the silence'.

You keep working - I mean playing - from your end and I'll keep playing from this end. You have valuable contacts too.

Watch us go!

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 05, 2006 4:58 amre: WOW!! You Have to See This...#

Rasheed Hooda
I am so thrilled with this whole episode of Synchronious Prosperity. It has given me new insights into my understanding of Natural Manifestation.

Rasheed Hooda aka Mister Weirdo,Prosperity Mentor
PM me if you think you're ready for a Quantum Leap

Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Aug 05, 2006 10:43 amMoving right along now...!#

Martin Thomas
Well, I must say that there appears to be something of a "roll" going on here right now.

Afzal, thank you for your comments about the Food and Lifestyle idea mooted by Marilyn, and Rasheed for your support.

Cooking and Eating are two of the favourite things in our little [big] family, and we would love to do something along those lines. Lily, our 11 year old is a true gourmet, and loves cooking. She keeps us on our toes.

We are also very much into wholefoods, organic produce, clean water and healthy nutrition for children, so all those aspects could theoretically be incorporated.

Then there is my sister Margot, a well known "foodie" in New Zealand, who has flown to Little Eden Cay to act as guest chef for our guests. Margot and I have done cooking courses on TV on occasion. That was fun, and we were planning to bring on the children in a later show...

I feel as though there is something here for almost everyone, and I can't wait to see the result...[I can wait of course] We must be careful what we say...

As they say in italy: "Andiamo" or "Let's go!"


Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Aug 05, 2006 1:26 pmYoo Hoo! Max and Lily! Where are you?#

Marilyn Jenett

New Page 1
Max and Lily…Oh, there you are!
Happy Birthday to You…
Happy Birthday to You…
Happy Birthday, dear Max and Lily…
Happy Birthday to You!
Have lots of fun at your Pink Party!

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 05, 2006 2:17 pmre: Moving right along now...!#

Alison Wilcox
Wow!!!! I just started reading this - it's so amazing! Thank-you for keeping this an open and public discussion. It is so inspiring, and I would love to watch the film, documentary, and travel/cooking shows!!!
Martin, you are definitely an inspiration for "enlarging the container"! I am having amazing successes with manifestation so far, and reading about your family and your life is reminding me of the current size of my container. I can feel it getting bigger!
Thank-you all for sharing this, it is exciting.

Private Reply to Alison Wilcox

Aug 05, 2006 8:59 pmre: re: Moving right along now...!#

Marilyn Jenett


You showed up just in time for the Pink Party.

Max and Lily are two of Martin and Jenifer's children who are celebrating their birthdays today - Sunday in New Zealand, Saturday in North America.

I'm glad you were able to take off your manifesting roller skates for a few moments and check in with us. :-) You seem to like our little "reality" show.

I hope you will attending the live Community call Monday. I know that some of the students have summertime commitments and are listening to the recordings.

Well, we all just can't wait to see what's going to happen next here! (I know, Martin, we CAN wait).

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 05, 2006 11:05 pmre: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Alison Wilcox
Absolutely Marilyn - I will be on the call. Looking very forward to it!

Private Reply to Alison Wilcox

Aug 06, 2006 4:31 amre: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Afzal Huda
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Max and Lily.

This is cool, I was reading "Slice of Heaven" and in one of the chapters "...Lilliana Grace Thomas arrived..." on August 5th. And I said to myself, "Wow! This is really cool! It's August 5th today. I felt like the kid in The Neverending Story!

Great news about the contact, Marilyn. I heard back from Pen Densham as well. He'll meet you for coffee. Everything is falling in the right places at the right time. I'll do the introductions and send you the info.

Martin, apart from the cake, is Jenifer making the famous eclairs for the party :)


Private Reply to Afzal Huda

Aug 06, 2006 8:25 amre: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Marilyn Jenett


That is quite a striking bit of synchronicity. Why am I not surprised :-)

I will add something to the mix here: I didn't remember from the book that Lily was born exactly on August 5th.

Well...August 5th is also my son's birthday.

I'm still not surprised. :-)

I received your introduction to Pen Densham and look forward to meeting with him.

What was that again? Andiamo!

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 06, 2006 4:24 pmre: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Martin Thomas
Good Morning from New Zealand everyone .

Thank you for the Bithday wishes. Max and Lily had a splendid day, and so it seems did all the guests.

Jenifer didn't prepare her "famous" eclairs this time, as the birthday cake was layers of meringue with cream, and she felt there would be too much cream altogether...

Our "PINK" menu...for those who have interest:

Hand rolled sushi with [pink]smoked salmon and avocado, made with brown rice.
Tiny spinach and fetta tarts in Phyllo pastry topped with [pink]Beetroot salsa.
Fresh baked miniature spiced rolls with [pink]smoked salmon and white bean puree.
Home made short pastry cookies topped with brie and Jenifer's pink Quince aoli.
Tiny Pink potatoes, just cooked, sliced in half and drizzled with Truffle Oil.

And for sweet things:

Jam tartlets made with ground almosd pastry, topped with fresh whipped cream.
Jenifer's homemade florentines with pink diced cherries.
Home made old fashioned cocunut ice.
Mocha Torte with Fresh cream and strawberries.
Layered meringue cake with fresh cream, frozen strawberries, fresh cherries and rose petals for the birthday cake...

Pink sparkling grapejuice for the children, and Champagne cocktails with french rose syrup for the adults.


Wish you could have been here...Perhaps next year I should send out the invitations earlier!

I must figure out how to post a picture on this system...

Martin, Jenifer and family.

Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Aug 06, 2006 8:16 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Rasheed Hooda
Wow! This sounds like an exquisite menu prepared in a loving manner by someone who thoroughly enjoys cooking and making people happy. I can tell, I have worked in retaurants for more than 20 years.

And Martin, you would make and excellent waiter, (that's a compliment coming from an ex waiter who has always considered himself an outstanding server) with your descriptions of the foods.

Rasheed Hooda aka Mister Weirdo,Prosperity Mentor
PM me if you think you're ready for a Quantum Leap

Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Aug 07, 2006 10:44 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Martin Thomas
Hello Rasheed,

Thanks for your compliments on our menu. We certainly enjoyed the fare, as did our guests.

I too have been a waiter for many years before going on to create and manage restaurants, and more recently "resorts" of a boutique nature. Good living is all about sevice, and our plan is to incorporate a very personal level of service into our properties, as we have with Little Eden Cay, where guests enjoy a personal chef, butler and masseuse during their stay.

I must say though that after years in the industry, Jenifer and i decided that the best service we can provide is when we don't have to do it, but choose to do it, entirely for pleasure...and not for "tips". So I can joyfully say that my days of waiting tables are over, unless it is my own family and friends.

I do have a very exciting manifestation to share, that just happened yesterday, but I want to keep it for the call tomorrow, for the private community first, as I think it will inspire the "team", and then I intend to post it eventually on the network also. It is an example of a very fast and unexpected manifestation...and one which it would be very hard to "explain away". I am still reeling, although I know that we should not be at all surprised when we make a clear request to the Universe...we should never be surprised by the outcome, or how soon it arrives.

See you tomorrow on the call.


Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Aug 07, 2006 11:14 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Rasheed Hooda
I may be a few minutes late to join due to work schedule, but I will be there. :)

Rasheed Hooda aka Mister Weirdo,Prosperity Mentor
PM me if you think you're ready for a Quantum Leap

Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Aug 08, 2006 1:43 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Marilyn Jenett

Yes, Martin was "bubbling" with excitement on our call about this recent manifestation.

Community members are learning to "forget the HOW and enjoy the WOW."


~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 10, 2006 3:14 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Martin Thomas
Hello Members,

I feel I should take a minute to share the manifestation that I shared on the community call... as it does relate to bubbles, and celebration.

Years ago we enjoyed a rare bottle of Champagne when our son Caspar was born in New Zealand.

I managed to find a Magnum bottle of "Drappier" Carte D'or and I remember it being a magnificent drop...although that could have had a lot to do with the fact that our new baby had arrived, and we were ecstatic generally.

Now the magic begins. As party of a “game” that my sister, my wife and I were playing together I was intending to manifest some fabulous champagne for an imaginary party in the future. We were thinking 5 years in the future, but now I realise that we don’t need to put a time on these manifestations, as it can actually distance us from the goal, rather drawing it to us…

Anyway, I wanted to “create” some amazing fine champagne for the party we intended to have, and as I did not have a spare several hundred dollars for that I printed a label that I found on the internet, and it was from a vintage [1979] bottle of Drappier Carte D’or.

It must be remembered here that Drappier Champagne has a white label which is more common, but the “gold label” is much rarer…

I printed this label off from the internet, and I showed it to my wife Jenifer, and said…”this is what we are going to be drinking”. [I was imagining this in 5 years time…I figured that we would have the money to buy it then with ease…]

Well, I did this a week ago, and this last weekend we had a party…the Pink Party that some of you may know about. One of the guests called me to say her plane was delayed, and she didn’t think she could make it. I insisted that she come, and in fact when she arrived, the other guests were leaving.

Our friend Philippa is a very generous person, but the last thing I actually expected her to pull out of her bag when she finally arrived was a bottle of Drappier Carte D’or Champagne…I had not seen it for years in the stores…

Even now I keep looking at the label that I printed and the bottle sitting next to it. Is that not amazing? I am thinking it is a shame I didn’t print off that million dollar bill that I was trying to locate online a few months ago to put in my wallet.

Jenifer knew immediately the Champagne was put on the table that we had directly manifested it.

After speaking about it on the call, I realise, as Marilyn so wisely commented, that the Universe was clearly saying to us…”Why Wait?”

So…Dear friends…Why wait? ,

“Let’s celebrate”…


Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Aug 10, 2006 3:53 amre: Moving right along now...!#

Marilyn Jenett


We have shared details about lots of things in our discussions, but haven't I ever told you that I have in my possession crisp new million dollar bills?

You came into the community a bit later, after I offered one to any member who requested it.

So I suppose that means you have now instantly manifested your one million dollar bill. I think we can get it to New Zealand tout de suite.

Of course that is just an initial installment on the millions to be delivered by the Universe.

If any other new member of the Private Community would like a million also, please make sure I have your postal address to share the wealth.

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 10, 2006 4:10 amre: re: Moving right along now...!#

Martin Thomas
Fantastic Marilyn,

But I don't want to wait on the mail...is there any way to scan that particular document and send it as an attachment...then I would just print it off...

I can see it now...Suddenly the printer jams and keeps printing on and on, and there are million dollar notes all over the place...the children are making them into darts, and firing them into the air...

O.K., I am calm again.

the "printing portal" awaits...


Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Aug 10, 2006 4:22 amre: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Marilyn Jenett


Scan something and mail it? Moi?

Two sides?

Without a scanner?


Psychic teleportation would be more my niche. Faster too. :-)

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 10, 2006 4:29 amre: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Marilyn Jenett

Now that I regain my composure...why not one of the students who has the million dollar bill and a scanner?
Terri? Do you still have yours?

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 10, 2006 8:48 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Anne Taylor
I have a million pound note on my desk and gave one to my daughter last night. If there is anyone else from the U.K. out there who would like one I will tell them the site to go to to collect theirs.

Private Reply to Anne Taylor

Aug 10, 2006 9:07 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Martin Thomas
I'm all ears, Anne.

I like pounds. It may be because there are about three NZ dollars to everyone of them at the moment, so that would be a lot of dollars.

Euros are quite pretty also...

Please send the link when you get a moment.

Martin & Crew.

Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Aug 10, 2006 9:16 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Anne Taylor
Here you go Martin:-www.BeingAMillionaire.com

Private Reply to Anne Taylor

Aug 10, 2006 1:23 pmMoving right along now...!#

Marilyn Jenett

The million dollar bills are also ready to post to Martin and Afzal...

Now I have to qualify all of this by saying that I don't believe holding any of these notes is really that effective for manifesting wealth. Fun yes, and to help us focus. But in truth, they are not authentic. And seeing any of these large denominations is nowhere nearly as effective as living in and maintaining the mental and feeling state of being that wealthy person.

But we must have fun with prosperity also.

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 10, 2006 2:24 pmre: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Terri Gibbons
Yes Marilyn I have the Million Dollar bill you sent. It's on my desk along with the green envelope.

Marilyn, Anne and Martin I'm smiling as I read your conversation. I was sleeping at the time you were posting.

I remember clearly the details of a dream I had last night. I was standing in my neighbors front yard. There was a big pile of dirt and a deep hole in the ground. I turned toward the house. A basement window was ajared. I walked toward the window and on the desk below was a crisp Million dollar bill. I reached in and picked it up.

I don't know the exact time of the dream. I'm guessing it would be sometime around 4 or 5 am EST.

Martin were you able to get a copy of the bill from the website Anne posted?


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Private Reply to Terri Gibbons

Aug 10, 2006 10:26 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Martin Thomas
Hello Terri,

Your dream just illustrates perfectly how interconnected we all are, and also reinforces the message of abundance that is continually going forth and circulating in and through eveything in this beautiful and awesome Universe of which we are all a part...

As you can see, I lost no time in locating some bills, and putting them next to my name...


Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Aug 10, 2006 11:38 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...!#

Terri Gibbons
That's what I love about you Martin, you never miss a beat. Please tell the children I look forward to cruising and snorkeling with them. By the way to the children like to surf?

Discover the Secrets of Cleansing
for Optimal Health and Long-Term Weight Loss
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Private Reply to Terri Gibbons

Aug 12, 2006 5:25 amMoving right along now...!#

Marilyn Jenett

A young woman who has interviewed some of the greatest achievers of our time for her new book, has just highlighted Martin and his book on her blog, "Real People. Really Remarkable Lives".

I thought you would enjoy seeing this...


I love her first sentence:

"Have you ever read a book that makes you think bigger?"

Here are excerpts from a letter she sent to Martin and which she will soon post on Amazon.com as a testimonial:

Dear Martin,

Thank you so much for gifting me with your wonderful book "Slice of Heaven"...I had no idea what a treasure this book would be to me or my husband...

My life has been moving so fast since the book conference that it wasn’t until last weekend when my husband and I were returning from Los Cabos, Mexico celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary that I finally got a chance to crack open the book. My husband and I decided to read your book out loud to one another as we flew home to Santa Barbara.

The result of reading your book has been a total inspiration to us both. Not only was reading it an enjoyable experience but it was more than that...it captured our hearts. Few things in life reach out and grab you in your heart but this book certainly did it for us. It exposed us to a whole new way of thinking about family, travel and freedom (three areas that are very important to us).

I never heard of another family that was so free despite the fact that you had 5 children. The way you enjoyed your children helped me realize that family life can really be what you make it.

I must admit that though my husband and I are living a dream life (I am interviewing the world’s greatest achievers and my husband purchasing commercial investment properties through his company...both of us only 26 years old and living in an ocean-view Santa Barbara home)...the idea of fleeing to an exotic country, working hand & hand with one another and raising a family filled us with wonder and amazement.

The way you seemingly live your life with such trust and lack of anxiety is also stimulating.

We finished your book in one day and one evening. We couldn’t put it down and we were sad when it was over. I have already recommended your book to several family and friends and certainly want to help you spread your story. In fact, I plan on purchasing your book as a Christmas present for some of my loved ones.

I am about to leave to NY in a matter of weeks to pitch my book to major publishers and to William Morris and so I know for certain that this is not the right time for us to "pack up and go" but I do believe that in the next 7 years we will follow in the Thomas family footsteps and purchase an exotic property abroad with our own to-be future family.

The book gave us insight and wonder for a whole new adventure but it also gave us a million more questions and left us longing for more...

I am delighted to have you listed you on my blog...

Please also know if there is any way I can help you. We would be would be very open to supporting you in any way we could. If you develop a website for your book, I would be happy to provide that as a link on my blog.

If there are any books or other information resources that may help my husband and I create something like this for our family or better understand how you did it, we would be very appreciate in learning more. We are open to any advice or guidance you might be able to lend us.

Thank you again to you Martin, Jennifer, Lily, Maximilian, Indiarose, Casper and Michelangelo for living your life in such a way that it inspires others.

For the benefit of the world, keep following your dreams and authentically living the life you desire.

Keep in touch and thank you again,

Paige Kearin

P.S. Where is the Thomas family living now? We live in Santa Barbara and it would be a pleasure to connect with you if you ever came this way.

K. Paige Kearin
Author & Researcher


FFTP Members, please note that you may purchase "Slice of Heaven" on amazon.com. It really is a treat to read...


~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 13, 2006 2:19 pmre: Moving right along now...!#

Walter Paul Bebirian
nice to see about such nice adventures - thank you Marilyn for pointing this out in your e-mail!



Private Reply to Walter Paul Bebirian

Aug 22, 2006 8:26 amMoving right along now...! Breaking News...#

Marilyn Jenett

News in the "Slice of Heaven" catagory...

The book's website will be finished this week - the graphics are beautiful for what I've seen so far.

The website will have audio (including a chapter read by Martin - he has a wonderful voice), video, photos, publicity, all the right stuff, and...

Martin has decided to have a prize drawing for visitors who buy his book directly on the website. The prize will be a week's vacation at Little Eden Cay! Someone will win a slice of heaven for themselves. :-)

I know he also has interest from someone who wants to buy the island, so I don't know how that will figure in the time frame, but we'll find out.

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 26, 2006 1:36 pmre: Moving right along now...! Your Chance to Win the Island for a Week!#

Marilyn Jenett

Martin didn’t want to post his website yet because it’s not quite finished. Although it’s still in progress, I think it already looks great. I hope he will forgive me for my impatience but I did want to share the news with you...

Okay, here's the big news. You can purchase "A Slice of Heaven" on the website. And with each book purchased though the site, you are entered in a drawing for a prize week for you and your family on Martin’s island, Little Eden Cay. The drawing will take place on Christmas Eve and the fulfillment week will be in February, summer in Nicaragua.

So how many of you might use the photos of Little Eden Cay to transport yourself in thought and feeling into that gorgeous setting? Losing yourself in the narration of the book will surely get your subconscious moving in that direction. It's a wonderful story.

The website will be completed next week with all the bells and whistles, but take a look at this very wonderful start...


~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 30, 2006 6:19 amre: re: Moving right along now...! Your Chance to Win the Island for a Week!#

Marilyn Jenett

Update for Afzal...

Afzal, just want to mention again that we have hired a wonderful writer and new FFTP student Linda Alexander, who is currently writing the synopsis for Martin's book.

As soon as it's completed, I plan to meet with the entertainment contacts - the entertainment attorney/literary agent and with your contact, Pen.

Martin will be in New York mid September for the launch party for the destination clubs, then he will go on to the island and on his way back to New Zealand at the end of the month, he will stop in Los Angeles for a few days. At that time, he would be available to meet with the attorney and Pen and any other contacts we may conjure up.

"Hollywood" update :-) Isn't it befitting that the Universe would send us a writer who is just writing a book about Hollywood that is about to be published. Yes, synchronicity rules...

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Aug 30, 2006 8:26 amre: re: re: Moving right along now...! Your Chance to Win the Island for a Week!#

Afzal Huda
I love the background patch on the website, very artistic.

Linda is perfect. She's an accomplished writer. Wow! Linda, I am inpressed with all your work and recognition. Now that you're Marilyn's student, you'll be posting fabulous developments and achievements on this network.

Sychronicity rules! Indeed. Universe is always on time.


Private Reply to Afzal Huda

Aug 30, 2006 10:53 pmre: re: re: re: Moving right along now...! Your Chance to Win the Island for a Week!#

Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net
Hello All:

I figure this is a good place for me to enter the picture -- literally, eh?!

I've been finding amazement w/this entire process as I sail through Martin's book. It's a joy to read, well-written & a beautiful piece of work. My thanks to Marilyn & Martin for offering me this great opportunity.

And as no one here would be surprised to know, I'm sure, just a day after Marilyn & I had our conversation about writing the synopsis, I received word that my Robert Taylor book had been accepted by a publisher.

So I will not be posting a heckuva lot on any networks in the next few weeks. I'm going to drop regular notes from all but this network, my own, & one other so as to focus on getting the synopsis work completed on Martin's book & get the publication date settled for my own book.

Onward . . . I'm ready for this challenge -- & many more! This is all wonderful.

Blessings -- Linda

Linda J. Alexander, Books For The Thinking Reader
HOLLYWOOD & POLITICS - http://hollywoodpolitics-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

Sep 21, 2006 1:24 pmre: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Marilyn Jenett

Just a note to let you all know that Martin is in Los Angeles this week. Lots of meetings and great happenings.

We met with the entertainment attorney/literary agent and it's a deal! He will now make the deal to have Slice of Heaven republished for international distribution and then present it to "Hollywood". And then out of the blue (of course - we must always have some 'out of the blue' around here), he asked Martin to write a proposal for another book - a "how-to" book about raising children with only "positives" as related on Martin's website, http://www.afamilyonthemove.com. This is so aligned with the message that Martin and Jenifer want to bring to the world about raising children. This is really wonderful.

Paul is also the agent who is now representing me and my story. And the way that I found Paul in the first place was pure synchronicity at play (not work...play!)

The Universe is smiling on us. :-)

There are other meetings related to Martin's other business matters and everything is flowing in perfect synchronicity.

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Sep 21, 2006 2:57 pmre: re: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

Marilyn (& Martin):

Of course we would expect nothing else than such an outcome -- congratz! There are definitely smiles from above on this project . . . & all the related projects.

Congratz are also in order for you, specifically, Marilyn, regarding the "unexpected" manifestation of an agent for your book. How wonderful all around!

Synchronicity is a beautiful thing, really beautiful.

Blessings -- Linda

Linda J. Alexander, Books For The Thinking Reader
HOLLYWOOD & POLITICS - http://hollywoodpolitics-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

Sep 22, 2006 4:11 amre: re: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Terri Gibbons
Martin and Marilyn

Congratulations to both of you.

Martin I just finished reading your book. The life of the Swiss Family Thomas is one incredible adventure. I'm looking forward to and can only imagine what your talented and multiplying family and friends will manifest in book II.

It will be a real joy to watch you two in action as you let your talents shine.


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for Optimal Health and Long-Term Weight Loss
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Private Reply to Terri Gibbons

Sep 24, 2006 4:08 amre: re: re: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Afzal Huda

I really like the idea of the "how to" book. I was also thinking that it'll be really cool if there was a network that will only broadcast news of positive nature. All the stories of success, nature exploration, etc. Only focusing on the positive!


Private Reply to Afzal Huda

Sep 24, 2006 4:24 amre: re: re: re: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Marilyn Jenett

Well, Afzal, that would be cool if there was such a network. And maybe a cool name would be Feel Free to Prosper Network :-)

You are rather tuned in, as usual:

What you didn't know as you posted was that nature exploration is currently in the works and about to be posted. You are about to experience a real treat by a real champ (another cliffhanger)...

Success stories and focusing on the positive? I believe we have accomplished that.

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Sep 24, 2006 5:42 amre: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Martin Thomas
Hello fellow Manifesters,

I am on my way to Nicaragua to visit Little Eden Cay and attend to business, and it is definitely time for an update from Martin, considering all the wonderful things that have been happening recently, which have exceeded my expectations in every instance.

Thank you all for your encouragement and well wishing.

I am in Miami right now, and just spoke to Jenifer who had returned home early from the hospital with my son Caspar, who needed an injured toe attended to.

I would like to relate a wonderful manifestation which I find very inspiring and encouraging.

The doctor had stated clearly on Saturday that Caspar would need to stay in the hospital until Monday at the earliest, and this obviously was not what Jenifer or I felt was our highest good in the situation.

Jenifer makes a practice every morning of visualizing her day. All ways making sure to imagine the best outcomes in every situation IN SPITE OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES.

This morning, she began to visualize the day before Caspar awoke, and began thinking that she would have a lovely harmonious day in the Hospital with Caspar, while our other four were at home, and being attended to by my sister Margot, in Jenifer's absence.

Then, in a moment of inspiration, she revised her thought, and imagined instead, that the doctor would come and do his inspection, and then announce that Caspar could return home, as he was so improved...

Well, about an hour later, the same doctor who had stated categorically the night before that there was no way Caspar could be released before Monday, came over to the bed, inspected Caspar's toe, and said. "Caspar, that looks very good, I think you can go home today..."

This was exactly as Jenifer had imagined. We were all thrilled, and Jenifer would not have to spend at least another night sleeping in a chair next to Caspar's bed.

I thought how often we limit ourselves by working within our circumstances, rather than stepping out in faith to expect the BEST in any given situation.

It is is the desired RESULT that brings the Universe into play to fulfill our wishes, no matter how difficult or unlikely we consider them to be in our conscious mind. It is the sub conscious mind that dictates to the Universe the desires of our heart, and then, in a moment, we can have them...and more.

We are one happy family tonight, and all is very well in the Thomas household. The choice seems clear to me...we can have what we want, or we can "get what we are given"...

We have the simple tools to create our reality, for our own good, and for the highest good of all.

Thank you Marilyn, for your teaching in this area, that our clear intention of a desired outcome, will allow the Universe to act on our behalf to bring the desired result to pass.

We have tremendous power to change our lives on a daily basis for good, not just in choosing carefully what we say, but also what we think and intend in every situation.

Hospitals, as most of us know, are places where much that is said is not of a positive nature, and most of you know that we live our lives as much as possible saying only positive things.

When the nurse asked Caspar if he felt any pain, he said "What does that mean Mama?" and jenifer replied: "The nurse wants to know if you feel well". "Yes" was Caspar's honest response.

When asked by the Doctor, and almost every one else who came to his bedside, "Have you got a sore toe, Caspar?"
Caspar would instantly reply: "No".

We are so proud of his understanding of the situation, and his commitment, at age 6 to only say positive things, and the simple and miraculous result, has beed that he has experienced almost no pain at all, and has been chirpy and delighful as he always is, in spite of the circumstances, which initially seems very serious.

Jenifer and I are encouraged by his attitude, and we are more committed than ever to ensure that we continue consistently to instill this principle in the children...


We started this many years ago with Lily, when she was not amused by the pureed spinach that we put in front of her as a baby. I taught her to say "I Love it!" with each mouthful, and soon enough, and sure enough, it was just a matter of days before she would proudly say, "I Love it!"
with every mouthful. What started as a game, became reality. and that is the simple reason why our children all eat bitter greens and salads, carrots and vegetables with RELISH now. They have convinced themselves of the reality that those things are delicious and nutritious, and so they are. And so be it.

As with Marilyn’s lessons, we must act as if first, and then, soon enough, if we are consistent, our reality begins to change, for our highest good.

We don't just choose not to complain, we go a step further, and make a positive statement in line with our desires, and so it is...

Goodness, I think it is time for me to write that book, and do a little less raving on the network...!

Abundant blessings to all,

Martin and family.

Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Sep 24, 2006 6:00 amre: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Rasheed Hooda

You can do all the raving you want on the Network and then simply compile it and present it as a book. :)

Rasheed Hooda, Prosperity Mentor, Keynote Speaker - The Manifesting Maniac
http://www.MisterWeirdo.com Be Different, Be Yourself!

Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Sep 24, 2006 6:16 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Martin Thomas
Thank you for your encouragement Rasheed.

Thank you also for the inspiration from you on numerous occasions on the Manifesting with Effortless Ease network.

Today's manifestation regarding Caspar's early release from the hospital was the simple result of five or ten minutes of Jenifer's time...and what a pay off!

Effortless, and Ease are two of my favourite words!

Abundantly Yours,

The Thomas Family.

Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Sep 24, 2006 6:37 amre: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Marilyn Jenett

Paul, the agent, was the catalyst that the Universe provided to get Martin and me to say officially what the Universe apparently wants to be said.

I was speaking with Linda today (you know by now she is a multi published author). I told her that I am not going to write the book. I am going to just keep telling my story to my members and let the book take care of itself. I think that's why I couldn't write the book in the past although I received much encouragement to write one.

I was finally "shown" by the Universe how it would come forth. Perhaps Martin and I are more storytellers than writers and the by-products of that are written books.

I have known Martin for over a year now and we have spoken about his "positive" journey with his children. But it has never gushed forth as it's doing now, since Paul has given a very clear signal that this part of their journey is to become a book.

In the same way, the appreciation and encouragement from the Ryze community and you, my members, is the steam that's driving my storytelling engine. :-)

Martin, I was thinking after reading your post. I was not only thinking...I was doing. I was looking up on the search engines and on Amazon to see if there ever was a certain title used before. I couldn't find it anywhere. I couldn't even find the phrase used anywhere.

I believe the appropriate title for your book may turn out to be simply....

"We Only Say Positive Things"

Everyone will remember it.

~ M

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Sep 24, 2006 4:52 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

To Martin & Marilyn:

I've learned so very much since I began an up-close association w/both of you. There is indeed something about that "thinking & speaking" positive way of life & it makes a world of difference in lives we lead.

Some people are magnets -- some of good, some of not-so-good. Why is that? Did the Creator make them that way? I don't think so. As part of the conversation between Marilyn & I, we talked about the Law of Attraction, how it manifests, why. No matter what we may call that "source," there is a Source, & that Source allows us to make our own choices.

I believe we get what we ask for. Some of us will just go w/the flow . . . & that flow makes for a much-less determined way of life, simply because we aren't a conscious part of the process.

So, as Martin has said, he & Jenifer have made that decision, that choice, to say only positive things & they have passed that decision of choice onto their children. They live consciously, & that's a model for others. A positive magnet towards which other folks will also draw to themselves what they want of that bright life, & a similar joy.

People like Martin, Marilyn, others here . . . people are magnets & others choose to come towards the light you shine. I'm honored to be amongst this group & see the success in front of us all!

Blessings -- Linda

Linda J. Alexander, Books For The Thinking Reader
HOLLYWOOD & POLITICS - http://hollywoodpolitics-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

Sep 29, 2006 2:55 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Afzal Huda
You're right Marilyn, FFTP is THE NETWORK for news of positive nature.

However, in my earlier post, what I meant was a television network that will only broadcast news of positive nature. After reading Martin's "Slice of Heaven" I have stopped watching news on TV (thanks Martin!). Actually I don't watch TV anymore. Wow! It's so different. I can see my mind opening up to possibilities. Coming from a film/television background, this was a bit strange for me but now I have realized that I am not really missing anything, instead my creativity is escalating in all directions! Thank you Martin and Marilyn.


Private Reply to Afzal Huda

Sep 29, 2006 9:07 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Martin Thomas
Wow, Afzal. It is exciting to hear your message. We really don't watch TV, but as I am travelling at the moment, it is so noticeable when there is a TV around, such as in a Hotel dining room, at the airport, in stores, and especially on the planes, where we are a "captive audience".

When travelling with the children, we leave the room if the news goes on, or we ask for it to be turned off. By myself, I think I am immune, and able to block it out...but there is something strangeley magnetic about the TV that draws one in all too easily, so I am applying the same rules for myself that we apply to the children. No Bad News, only Good News.

It is an easy thing to stop the "Bad News" broadcast at home, but less so out there in the real world. I remind myself however that what we focus our attention on is exactly what we attract into our lives, and that makes it so easy to turn my attention from the screen, and also escape the accompanying audio.

Our subconscious is like freshly tilled soil, and ANY seeds planted, and watered, ARE going to grow. It is easy to forcast what our harvest will be...

Based on Marilyn's Lessons, I am now deliberatly breaking old habits that have lodged themselves in my subconscious, and, as you say, this immediately opens up new and fresh experiences, which can allow our desired outcome to manifest...

I wonder what would happen if the Nine o'clock news opened with " it a beautiful day today on planet Earth, and all is well with the World" intead of " Fighting continues"...and "Seven declared D..d after a f....l collision in ....." " Authorites have declared a state of W..r in ......" Why do these phrases resonate so in our minds? Are we so hypnotised that we have become immune to the constant barrage of negative information and images that the News often conveys?

I think we should perhaps consider starting a television network which would only say positve things...!
Maybe this could be a project which you could be involved in Afzal? At first it might be treated as a bit of a joke, which would be O.K. as it would provide the media interest, but when the manifesting started to happen...people would pick up on the Idea...

Many years ago we were in Surfers Paradise, Australia, and on the news, the "Asian Crash" was happening. Immediately, everyone was talking about the effects on real estate, and it was really negative...

As objective observers, Jenifer and I noted that the negativity was spreading like a disease, and we could see it affecting the market. People were saying such things as "it is going to get worse", and " you can't expect to get more that $X considering the market" etc, etc.

We decided to be "naughty" and turn things around by saying " I just hesard that such and such got the most amazing price for their property", and " It is amazing the way prices are actually going up in spite of the Asian situation". Well, it may not have worked for those we said it to, but it worked for us, as we sold our apartment to a local couple shortly afterward, for the price we intended before the Asian business even happened.

It can start as a game, this saying positive things, or affirmations, but soon enough, it becomes serious, and the subconscious kicks in, and suddenly WOW!, miracles start to happen.

Food for thought?


Private Reply to Martin Thomas

Sep 30, 2006 1:06 amre: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Rasheed Hooda

When you said that you decided to be naughty, I thought you were going to let the prices drop like the temperatures in a blizzard, and then scoop up some choice properties for peanuts.

But I should have known better.

Never expect a Manifester to do the traditional thing. Manifesting at will is such a non-traditional way of doing things.

Rasheed Hooda, Prosperity Mentor, Keynote Speaker - The Manifesting Maniac
http://www.MisterWeirdo.com Be Different, Be Yourself!

Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Oct 02, 2006 11:43 amre: re: Moving right along now...! Update on the Thomas Adventure#

Afzal Huda
Martin, you're so right about TV being noticeable while travelling. They're everywhere!

Your idea is great. Let's discuss more when I return from my vacation.


Private Reply to Afzal Huda

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