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Brainy Heart - or - Hearty BrainViews: 441
May 01, 2006 4:48 amBrainy Heart - or - Hearty Brain#

reproduced from another thread so as to leave that thread for its intended purpose . . . .

Soeb wrote -

Sophia Loren and Gina Lollobrigida touched the
heart of the legendary Dr. Christian Barnard
and drove him crazy however in both cases the
madness was unfortunately short lived . . . . .

This man who believed that
"the individual is the brain, not the heart"
nevertheless caught the imagination of the
world with his passion for the human pump.

let us see how many believe in the
brain ruling the heart?


Sushi wrote:

For me, heart and brain are complementary to each other. if one wants to be the leader, the other gives way.

Arpita wrote:

And as far as brain ruling the heart goes i do not agree.Recent evidence indicates that the heart begins to beat in the unborn foetus even before the brain is formed. So it appears that the heart truly holds primary status as the initiator of human life. And this initiator rules many of our brainy actions throught out our life!!


Private Reply to SOEB FATEHI

May 01, 2006 5:59 amre: Brainy Heart - or - Hearty Brain#

Basab Ghosh
What rules, is that the question? Or, who came first, that is the question? Whatever, it does not really matter. Both have their functions which are indispensable for a live human being.

However, the heart is used in our vocabulary most commonly as a metaphor for emotions and the brain as a metaphor for logical thinking, rather than their physiological functions.

If we then follow the metaphorical uses of these two words, I must say that in most people, the heart usually rules under extreme stress and extreme joy, while the brain usually takes over in everyday life.


Private Reply to Basab Ghosh

May 01, 2006 8:09 amre: re: Brainy Heart - or - Hearty Brain#

Lavanya Karalkar
Basab Ghosh..aapne kharghosh bana diya is thread ko. wah wah.

Private Reply to Lavanya Karalkar

May 01, 2006 2:20 pmre: re: re: Brainy Heart - or - Hearty Brain#

Aparajitaa Richards wrote :-

soeb - in answer to your question - always, always, always the brain...

R J added :-

One Liner:
Grand essnls to happiness in this life something to do someone to love & something to hope for.
Now so So Many liners :
Heart & Brain
The human being is the most rational creature on the planet. It is our ability to reason that raises us to the highest level of the animal kingdom. The human in love, however, is a different beast altogether.
Since the early 1950's, scientists studying the human brain have theorized that there may be more than one command center in our heads. These experts believe that the brain found in modern man's cranium is really three brains in one.

The most primitive part of our brain resembles that of a reptile, controlling all the basic functions of the body — heartbeat, breathing pattern, survival instincts, etc. The next lobe of the brain is called the limbic region found only in mammals. It is here that the pain and pleasure centers live. The limbic region controls how we feel, our current moods and "emotional memory." Finally, the neo-cortex, or rational mind, comprises the third lobe of the brain. Unique to humans, the neo-cortex processes all the signals from our five senses — smell, sight, taste, touch and sound. It also is in charge of our reasoning and opinions much like a super-computer crunches numbers.

Why Love Trumps Reason
No information can reach the rational part of your brain without first passing through the limbic region. Therefore this passion center of the brain has the power to control rational thought and color it with emotional hues when confronted with extreme situations like love or danger.

What people refer as love at first sight or the excitement of a new relationship is really the release of hormones and endorphins triggered by the limbic region of the brain without permission of the neo-cortex. It is an emotional hijacking of the rational brain and it feels strange, wonderful and crazy all at once.

What's Love Got to Do With It?
Even though all this science makes the book of love seem as pre-scripted as a Color-by-numbers book, it doesn't have to take all the fun out of falling in love. Physiology and neurology do their part to explain behavioral patterns that have existed since Adam asked Eve, "hey, come here often?" Recognizing the patterns won't turn your love life into a cliché. Instead, it points out clues about your own body and mind.
A scientist knows more & more about less & less till he knows everything about nothing while a philosopher knows less & less about more & more till he knows nothing about everything
Nine-tenths of wisdom is appreciation. Go find somebody's hand and squeeze it, while there's time

Private Reply to SOEB FATEHI

May 02, 2006 8:00 amre: re: re: re: Brainy Heart - or - Hearty Brain#

les ombres de bleu
Interesting aspect Soeb sir...

let me make the entry statement...

'There's no rational logic at the heart of the story'...bang!

Brainy Brain : higher level of intelligence
Hearty Heart : the most beatific heart

now 'Hearty Brain' and 'Brainy Heart' seemed the characteristics of a mal-functioning human system. Completely erratic!

“…A human brain, for example, is in one sense a trillion neurons connected together in a big electrochemical lump. But to all of us who have one, a brain is clearly much more, exhibiting properties like consciousness, memory...now salute to the trillions of neurons over there, struggling to find a logical balance with the wayward habits of a fragile heart, pumping the essential iquid (Blood) all over and loses balance whenever it sees
that man or woman.....haha!

falling in love...a fool falls in love and an intelligent fool gets into marriage? is it true?

Usually, we believe our rational brain is smarter than our "gut" feelings and we are constantly told by everyone "Don't let your heart rule your mind." ...but at the end of the day,we squeal 'OHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I love it...', we dnot squeal while saying 'I like it..'. Humans exemplify the great blend of rationality and emotions.

Can we realise our emotions if it were not the brain puts down a logical structure and does this 'pros and cons' analysis....

Can we experience the success of those zillions of grey cells we carry underneath, unless the heart jumps with joy?

as Basabji said, each great organ has got a reason for its existence and let them fight peacefully and amicably...

I fell in love when I was a young fool, the guy did nt have a solid backbone or the basic level of courage even to tell me that we both are different, when we were kids, we thought alike, but as grownups, our DNAs are different. after having spent some 11 donkey years of youth. Brain whittled n whittled , tried to drive some sense ..finally an amazing decision was taken at the crack of a beautiful day..life's made and Jyo is in front of you men and women...else, I would be in some dark and dingy kitchen, bearing children...

and now my heart listens to my brain and my brain performs all around when the heart is lingering over someone's porch again...that's the beauty of life!

when the heart hesitates to make a mistake, we call it 'a sign of maturity'....that's when little heart is learning lessons from that little brain up there!

Fyodor Dostoyevsky , said,

'It is not the brains that matter most, but that which guides them—the character, the heart, generous qualities, progressive ideas...'

Frost said, 'The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office...'

most situations we let the rational side of ours take the foreground, while Heart manages matters of emotional value.
and we love emotions, while we get excited over logical and intelligent wins...we again need the heart to savour them...

But we can alter our lives simply by altering the attitude of mind....that's the flexibility with which we need to operate so that we could face less pain

The heart holds answers the brain refuses to see....that's the eternal battle between rich and luxurious emotions and strong footed logic....

at the end of it, I would say, we dnot want permutations n combinations. Life, anyway, is getting more complex as the moments pass by


Private Reply to les ombres de bleu

May 02, 2006 11:52 amBrainy Heart - or - Hearty Brain#

Basab Ghosh
Fuddled Brain and muddled heart! :(

Private Reply to Basab Ghosh

May 02, 2006 12:14 pmre: Brainy Heart - or - Hearty Brain#

les ombres de bleu
Basab ji

Do you mean 'Befuddled' or 'Fuddled'? Cause Fuddled state leads the brain to be Abashed...


Private Reply to les ombres de bleu

May 02, 2006 1:20 pmre: re: Brainy Heart - or - Hearty Brain#

when the brain is too tired, the heart takes over :)

Private Reply to Rhea

May 02, 2006 5:00 pmre: re: re: Brainy Heart - or - Hearty Brain#

Hearty brain of course.

I mean look all around us. We think with our brain but listen to our hearts. And therein lies the whole problem. Very few manage to compartmentalize and think objectively. Otherwise mostly it's the same 'ol story.

Isiliye Dil ki baat dimaag se socho or so said some Hindi film...

Private Reply to Nikhil...

May 03, 2006 12:02 pmBrainy Heart - or - Hearty Brain#

Basab Ghosh
What good is something that you can use only 5% of?

Private Reply to Basab Ghosh

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