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Marilyn Jenett


That is wonderful. And yes, it is HUGE. Why? Because you have now increased your confidence and faith factor and it will continue to serve you more and more. You have learned to accept the answer instead of the problem.

I have learned to use the process continually in my life, but for some reason your story reminded me of something.

When Elias Howe was inventing the sewing machine, he was in the final stages of how to make it work. In his sleep he dreamt of cannibals carrying spears - only the spears had holes at the tops. He awoke and designed the needle and voila! The sewing machine.

Robert Louis Stevenson claimed that his works originated in or came to him almost wholly in dreams, as gifts from his "Brownies," and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" was no exception.

You see, when we lift ourselves to the plane of solutions, they come, sometimes at that very moment, as in your situation, sometimes it will pop into our minds later (because we release it and trust) and sometimes it may even come in a dream. But we must accept that the answer exists now and move our minds to that place.

There is an Infinite Intelligence that ALWAYS has the answer to every problem. And if we change our focus and trust, it comes.

Thank you for sharing that valuable experience.


Feel Free to Prosper

> Jenny Meadows wrote:
> Hi Marilyn,
> I'm just back from a week in Houston and going through my email. I had an experience of what you wrote (below) this morning and wanted to share it.
> All week long in Houston, my laptop wasn't able to access the internet, so I would go to someone else's computer and download docs from authors onto floppies, then put them onto my laptop, and reverse the process to return the docs to the authors.
> This morning I was busily downloading the info from those same floppies into my home computer when the metal thingie came off of one and lodged inside my "A" drive.
> Immediately I got quiet and asked, "How do I get that out?" I was calm, breathing from my center, with my eyes closed. No panic.
> Just as quickly as I asked, the vision formed of me with a flashlight, a knife and some of that press-stick stuff on the tip of the knife. I got the knife and the flashlight, but decided to look inside first, to be sure the press-stick stuff would really work.
> Inspection showed that it would. I put it on the knife and within 2 seconds the metal piece was out of my computer. I thanked the Source for Its help, and apologized for not trusting it fully about the press-stick.
> The answer? "For you, evaluation is a good thing."
> For me, this is HUGE, as trust is something I've been working on all my life. Formerly, I've held an either-or belief about me and trust: "you either have blind faith/trust" or "you have no trust at all." It's not a belief I consciously hold as true, as I've done a LOT of work to get rid of it, but it wasn't letting go.
> No wonder I've been nervous and self-doubting most of my life!! There was absolutely no room for evaluation, for reflection, for decision-making (there's another doubt-producing belief: I don't make good decisions)
> Hmmm ... I'm liking this stepping-back-and-evaluating stuff! I can see it as a evolutionary step on my path to trust and faith.
>Jenny Meadows
>Austin TX and Cape Town SA
>> Marilyn Jenett wrote:
>>Okay, here is the answer.
>>But I must warn you. This will separate the women from the girls and the men from the boys. Are you ready?
>>Have a problem in your life? I don't care if you are one who has never heeded my words before. But now is the time to give me the benefit. Ok?
>>Okay, everyone gather 'round. Here's the plan.
>>Take a deep breath. Get still and calm. Be still and know.
>>Know that everything is all right. Everything is fine.
>>All adjustments that need to take place to resolve your situation are taking place now as I write and as you accept the answer, the solution.
>>The first thing to do to solve any problem is to become still and quiet about it. Be open for guidance. But most of all do not give the problem energy. Give all thought to the solution. There is ONLY solution here. All is well.
>>Now, go about your business and just act like everything is normal. All is resolved. Everything is harmonized. In fact, for those of you who really believe in "stepping out in faith" - get to work in your daily life just as if you would be doing if everything was normal.
>>You can summon up all of the power necessary to create the perfect solution for yourself in this situation. What I am showing you is affirmative prayer, scientific prayer. It works.
>>Keep your mind totally focused on the solution now. You will be guided as you do this to your perfect answer.
>>The answer is at hand. Accept it now.
>>Your TRUST fund is enormous!
>>Only good can come from this!
>>Believe it. You will see it.
>>Marilyn Jenett
>>Feel Free to Prosper
>>Listen to Marilyn live on radio speaking on "Money and Your Invisible Means of Support". http://www.getreadyforlove.com. After the July 1 show, click on “Hot Topics” to listen. Watch for details on her upcoming July 29 show.
>>Telephone Group Mentoring Month Beginning Wednesday, July 21. See WBW ad or "Feel Free to Prosper" network for details.

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