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Updates and we're in the MoviesViews: 347
Dec 16, 2005 6:09 pmUpdates and we're in the Movies#

Steven Boaze

Hello Copywriters,

I have a lot to report on, but before I get
started I would like to thank each and everyone
who is part of this network for sharing and
caring. As the Holiday fast approaches, I wish
all of you a safe and happy Holiday Season as you
spend it with family and friends.


I know this sounds a little crazy, but it's true.
Well, I did something as a favor and it turned
out to be really big. Here's how it happened....

For years I've been friends with a man named
David Edwards. He and I connected over the
internet for business in 1998.

Over time, I eventually met David's Mother, June
Edwards, I was intrigued by her style of
conversation. Mrs. Edwards and I shared a lot in
common because we are both writers, but in
different context.

Mrs. Edwards told me about her Novel she had
written called "Vanishing Glory." She was excited
that I wanted to read it, and thrilled too,
because I am from the 'old south.'

A couple of years passed by and she asked me,
when we personally met here locally, to see if
her Novel was good enough to be made into a
movie. She even held my hand and said, "my dream
come true is to make my Novel into a movie, will
you help me?

First off, I was honored to be asked to do this
sort of thing, and I couldn't refuse because deep
down, I knew it could be. So I set out on a
mission to call up every movie producer from
Florida to California. I received a lot of
"Maybes" and "NO's," but one that really listened
to me was a Guy named Phil.

Phil Melfi is the President of Movie Partners,
Inc and is located in Hollywood, CA. After Phil
and myself began talking, we saw that this Novel
was, in fact, the right thing to do for Mrs.
Edwards, and to make her dream come true.

Now after 8 long months of emails and phone
calls, we are developing the screenplay, and time
for production will begin in Feb, 2006.

To help move this along, I put up a website on
"Vanishing Glory" just in case you want to learn
more about this incredible Novel.

Vanishing Glory http://www.june-edwards.com

I've been extremely busy dealing with the travel
back and forth to MS and other states, that in
between all my other responsibilities, I've
managed to deliver, contribute, design, program,
write, and work on things I've been putting off
for a long time. Trying to keep our existing
customers running happily isn't an easy task
either, is why I think a vacation is long
overdue! So, I am back home now planning on a
little R&R.

The following is what I've managed to accomplish
in three months:

I am the contributing Author, the designer, the
Copywriter for Is America Safe.

Chris and myself created a site for our
catfishing tournaments held locally on one of our
lakes. http://www.thecatfishshowdown.com

Reworked our old Corporate website into a new
one. http://www.boaze.com

Updated CopyWritePlus' Blog for the writers.

Restructured one of my offline businesses
"Precision Duct cleaning" with a new website:
http://www.precisionductcleaning.com along with a
new one being formed for Preventive Maintenance,
launching in 2006.

Was appointed Senior Project Management position
with All Kit Homes for the rebuilding of the Gulf
Coast for FEMA, HUD, and DHS. With a new website:

After all this, you probably can imagine how
rested I am now. Tell you the truth, success
doesn't rest. It's a process that always grows.

Unfortunately, there are no magic formulas for
instant success no matter how many people may try
to convince you otherwise.

While it is a good idea to learn from others who
have gone before you to avoid the pitfalls they
have encountered it is wise to use good judgment
about any information that may influence you or
your business decisions.

Final Note - Determine what it is you truly want
and where you are going then you will be
unstoppable in attaining your goals with the
biggest business success stories yet to happen
and the next success story just could be you.

Steven Boaze

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