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Put your cravings on hold! (Free article you can reprint on your blog or website)Views: 446
Aug 16, 2006 2:26 amPut your cravings on hold! (Free article you can reprint on your blog or website)#

Beverly Johnson
Hi everyone, just wanted to stop by with my new article:

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Beverly Johnson

Put your cravings on hold!

The easiest way to sabotage even the best laid diet plans is with an untimely craving.

Even if you eat right all week, just one cookie binge can pack on the lost pounds in minutes.

Put your cravings on hold with these simple, yet effective craving crushers!

1. Don't expose yourself to temptation. You're not or super woman. If you have a box of chocolate chip cookies in your home and a craving hits, you're just setting yourself up for diet failure!
It's easy enough to talk about how you shouldn't eat pizza, donuts or sweet snack foods; but it you are constantly being reminded of them every five minutes...well, how can you realistically be expected to say no.
The simple solution is this: Don't allow snack foods into your home. Get rid of the ones you do have.
Another quick weight loss idea: Hit the OFF button during the TV during commercials. The pizza place can't sell you that extra large pizza with piled high toppings if you can't see their ad. Simple as that.

2. Fill your stomach (twice daily) with whole wheat or bran cereal. The bran fiber will swell gently causing your body to think that you're full and letting you eat the less filling, lower calorie "diet" foods (veggies, etc.) you need to lose weight.
If you feel full, your body won't even bother to "produce" cravings, no matter what it sees in front of it.

3. Begin each meal with soup or salad, just like they do it in the restaurants. Not only will it take away that empty feeling sooner, you'll find that you don't get hungry for things you know you shouldn't be eating.

4. Don't skip breakfast. You can't really expect to resist that craving for a egg bacon cheese bagel if you haven't eaten anything since 6 PM last night.

Grab a banana, bowl of cereal or some yogurt and give yourself a good start on your day. Taking five minutes for yourself now, can keep you on the right track nutritionally all day.

5. Avoid high carb foods whenever possible. Carbs and overly processed foods, i.e. white breads, white rice, etc, zip through the digestive system causing massive spikes in your blood sugar level. This in turn can lead to sudden hunger pains, causing you to seek out more food--even when you're not really hungry.

6. Try not to skip meals. Skipping meals can also cause your body to crave foods. And, while these cravings are simply a cry for help from a body that believes that it may starve at any moment, it can also lead to over-eating.
Instead aim for 4-6 smaller healthier meals daily that combine a good combination of vegetables, fruits and protein.
This multi meal approach will help to keep your blood sugar stable so that you don't crave donuts, pizza and other carb-rich foods.

7. Avoid stressful situations, whenever possible, as this may cause the body to secrete hormones that mimic "hunger signals", causing you to seek out food.

The key to successful dieting is preparation. Keep your home stocked with ready to eat, nutritious foods that can be whipped up in just a few minutes. Take advantage of seasonal fruits and vegetables. And, for on-the-go, keep a couple boxes of dried fruits and cup-of-soup meals in your car.

These little life-savers will help you quickly navigate past the fast food restaurants on the drive home from work, without putting a dent in your diet!

About the Author:

Beverly Johnson

For more help controlling your cravings, and easy ways to lose weight without depriving yourself, please visit her website at: http://www.hoodiagordoniiplus.com/?aid=740724

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