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Being a Modern PersonViews: 669
Jan 15, 2008 12:32 pmBeing a Modern Person#

John Stephen Veitch
Hello Everyone,

In my blog I've just written about a television documentary on Prof. Lloyd Geering, who I've told you about before.

"Geering made three statements that threatened to rip the Presbyterian Church of NZ apart. Those statements were:
“What does the resurrection mean?”
“Do people have immortal souls?”
“There is no Life after death.”


The links from the post all run into my new web site. When you see the site you'll know why I've been quiet boy for a while.

John Stephen Veitch
Adapt to Experience - http://www.ate.co.nz/
Innovation Network - http://veech-network.ryze.com/
Google me.

Private Reply to John Stephen Veitch

Jan 15, 2008 5:22 pmre: Being a Modern Person#

Danielle (Dani) Cutler

That was a great entry- and yes you have been busy over there, haven't you?

Your last paragraph:

"So what does it mean to be a modern person? Geering would say it's to maintain the ability to ask important questions and to think clearly and independently about what the answers might be. Modern people are required to make choices, and in those choices they become responsible for outcomes, be they good or bad. We no longer live in a world where we look to God to help us, and to protect us from the weather for instance. Like it or not, we must accept that we share responsibility for the future weather on earth, and that humanities survival might depend on the quality of the choices we make. Christendom is lost. For much the same reasons, "Is the Earth lost too?""

Honestly, I read that and think, "well, isn't that just being a thinking human-being, modern or not?" But I do understand that as you move forward in time, the "crutch" of the church becomes more and more difficult to lean on. Even modern Christians see the need to be more responsible for the earth. This is why they are actually in agreement with a lot of liberals when it comes to environmental issues.

Nice to see you!

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Private Reply to Danielle (Dani) Cutler

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