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Necessary steps to successViews: 673
Jul 25, 2008 3:48 amNecessary steps to success#

John Stephen Veitch
The athletics coach Arthur Lydiard used to talk to young runners, and even old guys like me, and tell them, "You can be a champion". Of course that is always true, but you can only make it true in your life, if you believe it, and if you do the work required to BE that champion. So we begin with an attitude that's open to making a commitment to something in the future. That's what I mean by the "power of the volunteer" because what each of us volunteers to do is the measure of our real qualities.

When I talk about your ability to create an Open Future, I'm calling on you to make choices in your life, to decide what sort of CHAMPION you will be. The Lydiard method works perfectly. When I started running it was run to the next telegraph pole (slowly). and walk to the next one. I wasn't very fit. I became fit, at least able to run a marathon in under three hours. When I began to work on the Internet, I was focused on technical things, on developing expertise. That's a necessary and useful ability, but it not life changing. What can be life changing is the ability to connect to other people.

When I was first introduced to Ryze by Bala Pillai, I could see no value in it. Later, I saw the some purpose of joining lots of networks and connection to lots of people, but there was little value in that. Collecting a lot of stamps, or a pile of stones, or a lot of names is an activity that's easy to measure, but for what purpose? Are you collecting names or building a capability? The connection gives you the possiblity of knowing that person more intensely. The connection is a doorway, but you have to open the door so you can pass through. On the other side of that door are people you get to KNOW, to share time with, to understand. You have to VOLUNTEER to go there. Most people fail to see the point. That's a failure of imagination, not a lack of time or skill.

John Stephen Veitch
Open Future Limited - http://www.openfuture.biz/
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Building an Open Future - http://openfuture-network.ryze.com/

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