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Council of Old Monk Rum Addicted Drinkers & Ec
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The Council of Old Monk Rum Addicted Drinkers & Ec Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts
Rum... the way to HellViews: 3623
Aug 14, 2007 8:45 pmRum... the way to Hell#

Srivalli Krishnan
Hi guys,

I have been through something which is very unexplainable.
I am not asking you people to give up drinking but try and see how your families get affected because of your addiction.

Please don’t abuse your body and traumatize your families and loved ones. Life is more than just OLD MONK RUM.

No medicines will work if your blood contains only RUM. What side effects you have is trauma to your family. If you guys have any love for your family, THINK ABOUT YOUR DRINK MORE CAREFULLY.


Private Reply to Srivalli Krishnan

Aug 15, 2007 3:39 amre: Rum... the way to Hell#

IAN PEREIRA (Advtg and Industrial Photographer)

Thanks for your concern. The word 'addict' in the name Comrade was not intended to mean someone who ODs on OM. It was meant to signify people like me who drink OM only and rarely drink other spirits.

Yes people should take care of their drinking habits. Drinking affects families. So does smoking and eating too. Smoking I do not need to explain. As far as food is concerned the amount of junk and unhealthy food people eat today, causes immense stress to families when patients suffer from health problems. That too at a young age


Do visit my site.---http://www.ianpereira.com
Are you an Old Monk Rum addict?---http://comrade-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to IAN PEREIRA (Advtg and Industrial Photographer)

Aug 15, 2007 9:46 amre: Rum... the way to Hell#

Swapan Mukherjee (Photographer/Digital Artist).
Hi Srivalli,

Life indeed is not just Old Monk Rum as you said. However, in moderation with the help of OM one can attain virtual nirvana, which no amount of junk food, smoking, etc. can as Ian rightfully mentioned.

Cheers, to nimbu pani, perhaps ? Too much of it can give you acidity, or may be ulcers.

With malice to none.


Private Reply to Swapan Mukherjee (Photographer/Digital Artist).

Aug 17, 2007 2:08 pmre: re: Rum... the way to Hell#

Anaggh Desai
Many things can be preserved in alcohol. Dignity is not one of them.

The OM council have always been extremely responsible drinkers, who treat Old Monk with reverence but never at the cost of family & friends.


Private Reply to Anaggh Desai

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