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how to write emailer copyViews: 784
Oct 06, 2006 4:36 pmhow to write emailer copy#

harsh dutta
Recently, I had a client who wanted to create a copy for a mailer that was to be sent to end customers. He owns a jewelery website and wanted to reach out to his prospective customers (global).

I have two questions here...

1. What shld be the length of the emailer copy? 100 words??

2. Shld the mailer copy be creative or shld it be very simple so that every layperson can get the message efectively.

- Harsh

Private Reply to harsh dutta

Oct 14, 2006 8:59 amre: how to write emailer copy#

Antara Banerjee
Hi Harsh,

We do lots of emailers for our clients so i will answer your second question first.

The simplicity of the content or design depends upon who the target group is. If your client is sending the mailer to his regular customers then it will be read by the TG but if it is a general one then it must be attractive enough for the recepient to read it before they delete.

Secondly as regarding the words limit again it depends how many frames you are using that is if it is on flash and if it is a single sheet sort of thing then definitely less the better

Private Reply to Antara Banerjee

Oct 14, 2006 9:41 amre: re: how to write emailer copy#

harsh dutta

Hi Antara,

Thanks for posting a reply (I am glad to see a reply here after 10 days of posting!)

The complexity with this particular client was that there was no defined target group. It could be anyone who owns an email id (he got database from a Email service provider like Yahoo! rediff). YOu proint is valid though.

BTW, can you tell me what kind of mailer copy you do? May be we can work on a project with your expertise or vice-versa...

- Harsh

Private Reply to harsh dutta

Oct 17, 2006 10:15 amre: re: re: how to write emailer copy#

Saniya Kirpalani
Nice Posting with an interesting question.
My thoughts-
1. Every product has a TG (especially jewellery) – even if the client may not understand this clearly. Think it through rationally. What jewels stimulates a SEC A + B audience will not get the attention span of a Sec C / D group. Its for you to get your client to remember that if you want a significant result from the mailer.
The easiest way to do that is to ask him if he thinks his product is exclusive and pricey- go for the SEC A + B audiences and you will need visuals with text that stimulates their response.
If it’s mass market your client hopes to target then the website / mailer will need to make significant number sense - that is the digital "product" pull strategy- will be required to elicit the response so that the TG actually reads it.
IMHO- Content has to follow its first & last rule – across cross media formats- it’s got to be original, clear, concise and creative. Both visually and textually to engage its end audiences.
Best of Luck

Private Reply to Saniya Kirpalani

Oct 27, 2006 7:36 amre: re: re: re: how to write emailer copy#

harsh dutta
Thanks for your well-calculated reply Saniya...and my apologies for viewing your entry so late.

I also saw your page...I think we do similar work...do you have a website ??

Private Reply to harsh dutta

Oct 28, 2006 2:46 pmre: re: re: re: re: how to write emailer copy#

The e-mailer copy can be one sentence long and still get you the response you want - like this sentence you are reading will get the response it is intended to get.

Private Reply to farrukh_copywriter(at)yahoo.com

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