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3 Strategies to Engage and PersuadeViews: 943
Jan 27, 2010 4:14 pm3 Strategies to Engage and Persuade#

Angie Cyr
I found this post on a group I belong to on Facebook. I found it helpful so I am reposting it here. I will post a question after it so please read that too!

Quick! You have less than two minutes to persuade a decision-maker, a wishy-washy client or a new customer that your idea, service or product deserves action. Can you do it? If you tell a story, stick to core messages and know your rights, you are far more likely to engage and persuade.

Tell a Story: Anyone who has survived a speech 101 class can tell you that stories are a surefire way to start a presentation, but few can tell you why. Research into human thinking has demonstrated that our own internal message storage and retrieval process is far more receptive to stories than abstract information. Research has also proved that when the brain hears a story it likes, an enjoyable state of transportation is reached where questioning is dampened and messages are retained. I’ll spare you the rest of the science and will give you the Bible, Grimm’s Fairytales and Aesop’s Fables as examples of how stories have worked throughout human history to not only inform but persuade. However, not just any story will do. To tap this mental power, stories must be succinct and related to the subject at hand. Have you ever been on the receiving end of a rambling, random story? Did you find it persuasive? A good rule of thumb is that stories should be two minutes or less, and there is absolutely no shame in practicing your stories until they are pithy, refined and perfect. In addition, you must know your audience. It’s a simple point, but you’d be surprised by how many people miss it. But what if you don’t have two minutes? Even a sentence story carries the same mental weight. Consider this example. Example A: The recent Septa strike brought commuter traffic to a halt. Example B: For the first time in 20 years, Mary Anne won’t be at church on Sunday since the Septa strike left her without transportation.

Assignment: First, develop a two minute story that explains your product, idea or service. Practice, refine and polish. Think about how this story can be adapted to different audiences such as decision-makers, church groups, school boards, friends or just that casual customer who walks in the door.

Stick to Core Messages: Authors and“messaging gurus” Chip and Dan Heath have coined a fabulous termcalled “the curse of knowledge.” This phenomenon occurs when we are so passionate and knowledgeable about a topic that we overload audiences with everything we know. We believe we are being helpful, but we are only confusing audiences and reducing message retention. I’m just as guilty of it as the next gal. If you’ve ever tried out a new restaurant and have been overwhelmed by a menu with too many choices, you’ve experienced the concept. Persuasion studies have shown that casual (non subject matter experts) audiences need three reasons or fewer to act. Expert audiences enjoy more, but most of the time you are dealing with audiences who are not familiar with your topic. Other studies have demonstrated that human beings tend to retain and remember information delivered in threes. Is your website text heavy? Do you feel like you have been talking and talking but you are not getting the traction you desire? You might be suffering from the curse of knowledge. Do you have a compelling one sentence answer to this question: What do you want audiences to know about your product or service? If not, you need to refocus on your core points.

Assignment: Boil down your messages to three core points focusing on the benefits or answers to the “what’s in it for me” aspect. Do not throw out other information but organize it under these key points for presentations, brochures or other communications.

Know your Rights: Even if you do not have CNN banging on your door, you will benefit greatly from a media relations technique known as bridging. Bridging is the act of answering an unrelated, off-base or even hostile question followed by a “bridge” to on-point, more positive information. Often, people believe interviews, question and answer periods or even casual conversations during a cocktail party are more like depositions where you answer the question as asked. However, remember that you have the right, and the responsibility, to deliver and protect your message. Examples of bridges include: “That’s not my area of expertise, but I can tell you that” or “That’s simply not true. My business offers x,y,z” or “I understand what you are asking, and why you are concerned. Let me offer our point of view.”

Assignment: Think of some of the silliest, asinine and even hostile questions that you might be asked. Develop a succinct answer that bridges to your core messages as defined above. Practice with a friend so you deliver these responses with confidence and authority. It may feel awkward at first, but trust me. Often these questions come out of the blue, and you will thank me when you are prepared.

About the author: Eryn Travis is the owner of Empower Communications, a boutique consulting firm helping a wide range of clients engage and persuade. Services including message development and distribution, speech preparation and delivery, content creation and outreach. Her practice is built on more than 15 years of public, media and government relations in intense, fast-paced organizations including stints on Capitol Hill, large PR companies and trade associations. Eryn is also a freelance writer and a guest lecturer at West Chester University.

Angie Cyr aka Coach Chica
I lost 70 pounds!! If I can do it, You can too!
Visit my Ryze Page to view my before/after pics!

Private Reply to Angie Cyr

Jan 27, 2010 4:22 pmre: 3 Strategies to Engage and Persuade#

Angie Cyr
I was told to make my page personal with information about me as well as my business. This article talked about information overload when you talk to people - what I would like to know is, does my page have too much information? Is it information overload?

Can you please do me a favor and read my Ryze page and let me know if you think it's too much info? If so, I would love suggestions on how to make it more reader friendly.


Angie Cyr aka Coach Chica
I lost 70 pounds!! If I can do it, You can too!
Visit my Ryze Page to view my before/after pics!

Private Reply to Angie Cyr

Jan 29, 2010 5:50 pmre: re: 3 Strategies to Engage and Persuade#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


I took a look at your Ryze page. It's very nice. I think you need to ask yourself a question: "What is it I want people to do once they see my page?" Is this page simply meant to be a page about who you are and what you do? Or, do you really want there to be a CALL TO ACTION? And, if you want there to be a CALL TO ACTION, how is that call to be made? I recommend you get yourself a Skype-in number and post it on your Ryze page.

Your presence on any network - be it Ryze or some other network can be like a funnel. It can actually direct people. One thing can lead to another - so long as you do not have too many things.

I encourage you to take a look at what some other Ryzers have done with their pages. See if some of what they have done might in some way benefit what you seek to accomplish. It is actually possible to draw attention to what you want to acomplish by showing that you mutually collaborate with others. A good example of this is the famous Ryze To-Do-List Board - created throught the mutual collaborative effort of around a dozen Ryzers. See for yourself at Lamar Morgan's Ryze Page. Look at what Ryzer Teddy Towncrier has done. He has all sorts of ways for other Ryzers to connect with him. Coincidence? Certainly not. It's most definitely his design. Look at Reg Charie's Ryze Page. Pay particular attention to his use of pictures, colorful text, many links and even the graphics he cleverly gets into his pictures. This is again no happy accident. It is most definitely his strategic design. Reg just happens to be a web designer and SEO expert. No doubt, even the words he uses on that page are precisely chosen.

I encourage you to experiment. One thing I think everyone on Ryze would agree on when it comes to web pages, they SHOULD NOT remain with the same look for perlonged periods of time. They need to change to be considered fresh and appealing.

Lamar Morgan

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Feb 03, 2010 3:05 amre: re: re: 3 Strategies to Engage and Persuade#

Angie Cyr
Thanks for the tips Lamar, I changed up my page based on a few suggestions from other Ryzers. I think it is easier on the eyes than before.

By the way, what is a Skype-in number?

Angie Cyr aka Coach Chica
I lost 70 pounds!! If I can do it, You can too!
Visit my Ryze Page to view my before/after pics!

Private Reply to Angie Cyr

Feb 03, 2010 3:16 amre: re: re: re: 3 Strategies to Engage and Persuade#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


A Skype-in number is an VOIP phone number that regular land lines and cell phones can use. When you have a Skype-in phone number, anyone can give you a call - not just other Skype members. When you add Unlimited Calling to a Skype-in line, you really have a good deal. It's much better than a phone contract in my opinion - a lot less expensive. One Skype-in number can work on numerous mobile devices - like Internet tablets and laptops as well as desktops.

What's neat about Skype is the other services which go along with it in addition to being able to make phone calls - video conferencing, file transfer, desktop-sharing, etc.

Lamar Morgan

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Feb 03, 2010 7:11 amre: re: re: re: re: 3 Strategies to Engage and Persuade#

Angie Cyr
Thanks Lamar!

I will look into it!

Angie Cyr aka Coach Chica
I lost 70 pounds!! If I can do it, You can too!
Visit my Ryze Page to view my before/after pics!

Private Reply to Angie Cyr

Feb 04, 2010 2:27 amre: re: re: re: re: re: 3 Strategies to Engage and Persuade#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


Here's another thought. In light of your amazing physical transformation, you might enjoy being on Talkshoe.com - not as a talk show host, but as a featured guest to tell your story. There is, no doubt, a history behind this transformation. It is likely a history a lot of women (and men) will appreciate. Why not go online and tell your story. Check out the shows on Talkshoe.com. I would really be shocked if you did not find a lot of interest.

Lamar Morgan

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

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